Littelfuse, Inc. Datasheets for Schottky Diodes

Schottky diodes in their simplest form consist of a metal layer that contacts a semiconductor element. The metal / semiconductor junctions exhibit rectifying behavior (i.e., the current passes through the structure more readily with one polarity than the other).
Schottky Diodes: Learn more

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Product Name Notes
Diodes in various packages made for main rectification in 1 phase bridge configurations.
Features: Very low Vf Extremely low switching losses Low Irm values Improved thermal behavior High reliability circuit operation Low voltage peaks for reduced protection circuits Low noise switching Applications: Rectifiers...
Littelfuse DST series Ultra Low VF Schottky Barrier Rectifier is designed to meet the general requirements of automotive applications by providing high temperature, low leakage and lower VF products. It...
Littelfuse DST series Ultra Low VF Schottky Barrier Rectifier is designed to meet the general requirements of automotive applications by providing high temperature, low leakage and lower VF products.It is...
Littelfuse DST series Ultra Low VF Schottky Barrier Rectifier is designed to meet the general requirements of commercial and industry applications by providing high temperature, low leakage and lower VF...
Littelfuse manufactures 15A rms to 25A rms rectifiers with voltages rated from 200V to 1000V. Due to the electrically-isolate d TO-220 package, these rectifiers may be used in common anode...
The discrete Standard Diode series comes with a broad variety of packages and breakdown voltages up to 1800V.
The Fast Dual Diode series offers various packages and breakdown voltages up to 1200V. Utilizing FRED dies enables fast reverse recovery capabilities.
The Fast Single Phase Bridges series offers various packages and breakdown voltages up to 1200V. Utilizing HiPerFRED dies enables very fast reverse recovery capabilities.
The Fast Three Phase Bridges series offers various packages and breakdown voltages up to 1200V. Utilizing FRED and HiPerFRED dies enables fast and very fast reverse recovery capabilities.
The FRED Low Vf series offers improved forward voltage characteristics and breakdown voltages up to 1200V.
The HiperDynFRED series offers improved forward voltage characteristics and breakdown voltages up to 1200V.
The HiperFRED Extreme Fast series offers improved reverse recovery characteristics and breakdown voltages up to 1200V.
The HiperFRED Low Vf series offers improved forward voltage characteristics and breakdown voltages up to 1200V.
The Schottky Extreme Low Vf series offers improved forward voltage with extreme low Vf values and breakdown voltages up to 150V.
The Schottky Low leakage series offers various packages with improved leakage currents and breakdown voltages up to 200V.
The Schottky Low Vf series offers improved forward voltage characteristics and breakdown voltages up to 150V.
The SONIC series offers improved reverse recovery characteristics with hard turn-off capability and breakdown voltages up to 1800V.
This series of silicon carbide (SiC) Schottky diodes has neg¬ligible reverse recovery current, high surge capability, and a maximum operating junction temperature of 175 °C. These diodes series are ideal...
This series of silicon carbide (SiC) Schottky diodes has neg­ligible reverse recovery current, high surge capability, and a maximum operating junction temperature of 175 °C. These diodes series are ideal...
This series of silicon carbide (SiC) Schottky diodes has neg­ligible reverse recovery current, high surge capability, and a maximum operating junction temperature of 175°. These diodes series are ideal for...
This series of silicon carbide (SiC) Schottky diodes has negligible reverse recovery current, high surge capability, and a maximum operating junction temperature of 175 °C. These diodes series are ideal...
This series of silicon carbide (SiC) Schottky diodes has negligible reverse recovery current, high surge capability, and a maximum operating junction temperature of 175 °C.These diodes series are ideal for...
Two 1200V/10A SiC Schottky diodes built in an isolated discrete packages, in a phase leg confirguration. This product can be used to reduce the component count, for example in rectifier...
Two 1200V/20A SiC Schottky diodes built in an isolated discrete packages, in a phase leg confirguration. This product can be used to reduce the component count, for example in rectifier...

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