Richardson RFPD Datasheets for RF MOSFET Transistors
MOSFET RF transistors are metal-oxide semiconductor field-effect transistors (MOSFETs) that are designed to handle high-power RF signals from devices such as stereo amplifiers, radio transmitters, TV monitors, etc.
RF MOSFET Transistors: Learn more
Product Name | Notes |
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2½W, 10dB gain @ 1GHz. Excellent surface-mount part for hand-held applications. | |
300W, 13dB gain @175MHz. The leading MOSFET for high linearity transmitters. | |
40W, 16dB gain @ 175MHz. General purpose RF power MOSFET | |
Designed for broadband commercial and military applications at frequencies to 175 MHz. The high power, high gain and broadband performance of this device makes possible solid state transmitters for FM... | |
Designed for broadband commercial and military applications up to 200 MHz frequency range. The high-power, high-gain and broadband performance of this device make possible solid state transmitters for FM broadcast... | |
Designed for broadband commercial and military applications up to 200 MHz frequency range. The high-power, high-gain and broadband performance of this device makes possible solid state transmitters for FM broadcast... | |
Designed for broadband commercial and military applications up to 400 MHz frequency range. Primarily used as a driver or output amplifier in push-pull configurations. Can be used in manual gain... | |
Designed for broadband commercial and military applications using push pull circuits at frequencies to 500 MHz. The high power, high gain and broadband performance of these devices makes possible solid... | |
Designed for broadband commercial and military applications using single ended circuits at frequencies to 400 MHz frequency range. The high power, high gain and broadband performance of each device makes... | |
Designed for broadband commercial and military applications using single ended circuits at frequencies to 500 MHz. The high power, high gain and broadband performance of this device makes possible solid... | |
Designed for power amplifier applications in industrial, commercial and amateur radio equipment to 175 MHz. | |
Designed for wideband large-signal amplifier and oscillator applications to 500 MHz. | |
Designed for wideband large-signal amplifier and oscillator applications up to 400 MHz range, in either single ended or push-pull configuration. | |
Designed for wideband large-signal amplifier and oscillator applications up to 400 MHz range, in single ended configuration. | |
Designed for wideband large-signal amplifier and oscillator applications up to 400 MHz range. | |
Designed for wideband large-signal output and driver stages up to 400 MHz range. | |
Designed primarily for linear large-signal output stages in the 2.0-100 MHz frequency range. | |
Designed primarily for linear large-signal output stages to 80 MHz. | |
Designed primarily for linear large-signal output stages up to 150 MHz frequency range. | |
Designed primarily for linear large-signal output stages up to150 MHz frequency range. | |
Designed primarily for wideband large-signal output and driver from 30-500 MHz. | |
Designed primarily for wideband large-signal output and driver stages from 100 - 500 MHz. | |
Designed primarily for wideband large-signal output and driver stages from 30-200 MHz | |
Designed primarily for wideband large-signal output and driver stages to 30 - 500 MHz. | |
Designed primarily for wideband large-signal output and driver stages up to 200 MHz frequency range. | |
Gold metallized multi-purpose silicon DMOS RF FET 15W 12.5V 500 MHz push-pull | |
New Product! BeO-free package, only 0.2 0C/W thermal resistance. 300W, 16dB gain @ 175MHz | |
RF MOSFET performance can be severely limited by the driver selection. The DRF1400A and B are half bridge hybrids with symmetrically orientated leads so that the two can easily be... | |
RF Power Mosfet. N-Channel Push - Pull Pair. The ARF477FL is a matched pair of RF power transistors in a common source configuration. It is designed for high voltage push-pull... | |
RF Power Vertical MOSFET. The VRF141 is a gold-metallized silicon n-channel RF power transistor designed for broadband commercial and military applications requiring high power and gain without compromising reliability, ruggedness,... | |
RF Power Vertical MOSFET. The VRF148A is a gold-metallized silicon n-channel RF power transistor designed for broadband commercial and military applications requiring high power and gain without compromising reliability, ruggedness,... | |
RF Power Vertical MOSFET. The VRF150 is a gold-metallized silicon n-channel RF power transistor designed for broadband commercial and military applications requiring high power and gain without compromising reliability, ruggedness,... | |
RF Power Vertical MOSFET. The VRF151 is a gold-metallized silicon n-channel RF power transistor designed for broadband commercial and military applications requiring high power and gain without compromising reliability, ruggedness,... | |
RF Power Vertical MOSFET. The VRF152 is a gold-metallized silicon n-channel RF power transistor designed for broadband commercial and military applications requiring high power and gain without compromising reliability, ruggedness,... | |
RF Power Vertical Mosfet. The VRF152 is a gold-metallized silicon n-channel RF power transistor designed for broadband commercial and military applications requiring high power and gain without compromising reliability, ruggedness. | |
RF Power Vertical MOSFET. The VRF154FL is a gold-metallized silicon n-channel RF power transistor designed for broadband commercial and military applications requiring high power and gain without compromising reliability, ruggedness,... | |
RF Power Vertical MOSFET. The VRF157FL is a gold-metallized silicon n-channel RF power transistor designed for broadband commercial and military applications requiring high power and gain without compromising reliability, ruggedness,... | |
RF Power Vertical MOSFET. The VRF161 is a gold-metallized silicon n-channel RF power transistor designed for broadband commercial and military applications requiring high power and gain without compromising reliability, ruggedness,... | |
RF Power Vertical MOSFET. The VRF161MP is a gold-metallized silicon n-channel RF power transistor designed for broadband commercial and military applications requiring high power and gain without compromising reliability, ruggedness,... | |
RF Power Vertical MOSFET. The VRF2933 is a gold-metallized silicon n-channel RF power transistor designed for broadband commercial and military applications requiring high power and gain without compromising reliability, ruggedness,... | |
Richardson RFPD, an Arrow Company, is a specialized electronic component distributor providing design engineers with deep technical expertise and localized global design support for the latest new products from the... | |
The ARF1500 is an RF power transistor designed for very high power scientific, commercial, medical and industrial RF power generator and amplifier applications up to 40 MHz. | |
The ARF1505 is an RF power transistor designed for off-line 300V operation in very high power scientific, commercial, medical and industrial RF power generator and amplifier applications up to 40... | |
The ARF1510 is four RF power transistor arranged in an H-Bridge configuration. It is intended for off-line 300V operation in high power scientific, medical and, industrial RF power generator and... | |
The ARF1511 is four RF power transistor arranged in an H-Bridge confi guration. It is intended for off-line 300V operation in high power scientific, medical and, industrial RF power generator... | |
The ARF1519 is an RF power transistor designed for very high power scienti fi c, commercial, medical and industrial RF power generator and amplifier applications up to 25 MHz. | |
The ARF300 is a N-CHANNEL RF power transistor in a high efficiency flangeless package. It is designed for high voltage operation in narrow band ISM and MRI power amplifiers at... | |
The ARF446 comprise a symmetric pair of common source RF power transistor designed for push-pull scientific, commercial, medical and industrial RF power amplifier applications up to 65 MHz. | |
The ARF447 comprise a symmetric pair of common source RF power transistor designed for push-pull scientific, commercial, medical and industrial RF power amplifier applications up to 65 MHz. | |
The ARF448A comprise a symmetric pair of common source RF power transistors designed for push-pull scientific, commercial, medical and industrial RF power amplifier applications up to 65 MHz. | |
The ARF449A comprise a symmetric pair of common source RF power transistors designed for push-pull scientific, commercial, medical and industrial RF power amplifier applications up to 120 MHz. | |
The ARF460A comprise a symmetric pair of common source RF power transistors designed for push-pull scientific, commercial, medical and industrial RF power amplifier applications up to 65MHz. They have been... | |
The ARF460B comprise a symmetric pair of common source RF power transistors designed for push-pull scientific, commercial, medical and industrial RF power amplifier applications up to 65MHz. They have been... | |
The ARF463AG comprises a symmetric pair of common source RF power transistors designed for push-pull scientific, commercial, medical and industrial RF power amplifier applications up to 100 MHz. It has... | |
The ARF463AP1 comprise a symmetric pair of common source RF power transistors designed for push-pull scientific, commercial, medical and industrial RF power amplifier applications up to 100MHz. They have been... | |
The ARF463BG comprises a symmetric pair of common source RF power transistors designed for push-pull scientific, commercial, medical and industrial RF power amplifier applications up to 100 MHz. It has... | |
The ARF463BP1 comprise a symmetric pair of common source RF power transistors designed for push-pull scientific, commercial, medical and industrial RF power amplifier applications up to 100MHz. They have been... | |
The ARF465A comprise a symmetric pair of common source RF power transistors designed for push-pull scientific, commercial, medical and industrial RF power amplifier applications up to 60 MHz. | |
The ARF465B comprise a symmetric pair of common source RF power transistors designed for push-pull scientific, commercial, medical and industrial RF power amplifier applications up to 60 MHz. | |
The ARF466A comprise a symmetric pair of common source RF power transistors designed for push-pull scientific, commercial, medical and industrial RF power amplifier applications up to 45 MHz. They have... | |
The ARF466B comprise a symmetric pair of common source RF power transistors designed for push-pull scientific, commercial, medical and industrial RF power amplifier applications up to 45 MHz. They have... | |
The ARF466FL is a rugged high voltage RF power transistor designed for scientific, commercial, medical and industrial RF power amplifier applications up to 45 MHz. It has been optimized for... | |
The ARF475FL is a matched pair of RF power transistors in a common source configuration. It is designed for high voltage push-pull or parallel operation in narrow band ISM and... | |
The ARF476FL is a matched pair of RF power transistors in a common source configuration. It is designed for high voltage push-pull or parallel operation in narrow band ISM and... | |
The DRF1200 hybrid includes a high power gate driver and the power MOSFET. The driver output can be configured as Inverting and Non-Inverting. It was designed to provide the system... | |
The DRF1201 hybrid includes a high power gate driver and the power MOSFET. The driver output can be configured as Inverting and Non-Inverting. It was designed to provide the system... | |
The DRF1203 hybrid includes a high power gate driver and the power MOSFET. The driver output can be configured as Inverting and Non-Inverting. It was designed to provide the system... | |
The DRF1300 is a push-pull hybrid containing two high power gate drivers and two power MOSFETs. It was designed to provide the system designer increased flexibility, higher performance, and lowered... | |
The DRF1301 is a push-pull hybrid containing two high power gate drivers and two power MOSFETs. It was designed to provide the system designer increased flexibility, higher performance, and lowered... | |
The VRF150 is a gold-metallized silicon n-channel RF power transistor designed for broadband commercial and military applications requiring high power and gain without compromising reliability, ruggedness, or inter-modulation distortion. | |
The VRF151 is a gold-metallized silicon n-channel RF power transistor designed for broadband commercial and military applications requiring high power and gain without compromising reliability, ruggedness, or inter-modulation distortion. | |
The VRF151G is designed for broadband commercial and military applications at frequencies to 175MHz. The high power, high gain, and broadband performance of this device make possible solid state transmitters... | |
The VRF154FL is a gold-metallized silicon n-channel RF power transistor designed for broadband commercial and military applications requiring high power and gain without compromising reliability, ruggedness, or intermodulation distortion. | |
The VRF157FL is a gold-metallized silicon n-channel RF power transistor designed for broadband commercial and military applications requiring high power and gain without compromising reliability, ruggedness, or intermodulation distortion. | |
The VRF2933 is a gold-metallized silicon n-channel RF power transistor designed for broadband commercial and military applications requiring high power and gain without compromising reliability, ruggedness, or inter-modulation distortion. | |
The VRF2944 is a gold-metallized silicon n-channel RF power transistor designed for broadband commercial and military applications requiring high power and gain without compromising reliability, ruggedness, or inter-modulation distortion. | |
With Littelfuse’s August 2021 notification that they have transitioned their DE475-102N21A to an end of life status, consider Microchip’s ARF1501 as a direct cross and option to continue your existing... | |
With Littelfuse’s August 2021 notification that they have transitioned their IXFH6N100F to an end of life status, consider Microchip’s ARF461AG/BG as a direct cross and option to continue your existing... |