RS Components, Ltd. Datasheets for Safety Relays

Safety relays and control modules differ from conventional relays in that they have force-guided or positive-driven contacts.
Safety Relays: Learn more

Product Name Notes
2 channel redundancy with circuit fault detection. Dual input channel device requiring 1 × N/O + 1 × N/C inputs. Features an automatic test/reset after each switch cycle Supply Voltage...
2 N/O instantaneous outputs provide stop category 0, 3 N/O timed contacts provide stop category 1 by allowing controlled deceleration of the motor until a complete stop is achieved. 4...
2 N/O Safety Contacts. Can be used with E-stops and Safety Gates. Feedback control loop for monitoring external relays/contactors. LED status indication. Redundancy with built in self monitoring. Safety relays...
2 N/O Safety Contacts. Can be used with E-stops and Safety Gates. Feedback control loop for monitoring external relays/contractors. LED status indication. Redundancy with built in self monitoring. Safety relays...
A broad range of safety functions. Versatility through simple logic, reset and timing configurations. Single wire safety relay connection allows for ease of installation and system flexibility. Terminals are grouped...
A fail-safe monitoring unit that will detect when hazardous motion has ceased on a machine. This is essential on machines that do not have a constant rundown time. Supplied with...
A new generation of safety relay modules that combine the approved safety technique with the demands of explosion protection. Designed for equipment of the category 2GD. Emergency stop devices and...
Adjustable off delay. No auxiliary voltage. Output: 1 NC, 1 force guided NO. LED to display switch position. Delayed switch-off in safety-oriented circuits (EU Directive for machines 89/392/EEC, IEC 255,...
Adjustable time delay. Feedback control loop for monitoring external relays/contactors. Category 4 to EN954-1. Single or dual channel input operation. Automatic or manual reset. LED status indication. DIN rail mounting.
All units conform to BS EN 60204 Part 1 1993, EN 954-1, IEC 204-1, VDE 0113. Dimensions (mm) for all units: H 96.5, W 22.5, L 114,Contact Rating: 6A for...
Can be connected in four different input wiring configurations: 1 N/C, 2 N/C, 2 PNP connections from a light curtain, or a four wire safety mat. When connected to light...
Can be connected in four different input wiring configurations: 1 N/C, 2N/C, or 2 PNP connections from a light curtain. 2 N/O immediate safety rated outputs, 2 N/O delayed safety...
Carlo Gavazzi NA1 series Emergency Stop and Safety Gate modules. The NA1 series is characterised by dual channel input and safety output contacts with force guided relay outputs. Safety Category...
Carlo Gavazzi NES series Emergency Stop and Safety Gate modules. The NA1 series is characterised by dual channel input and safety output contacts with force guided relay outputs. Safety Category...
Category 3 to EN 954-1. 4 LED indication. Maximum motor voltage: 500Vac. For detecting if a motor has come to a standstill. Senses residual voltage in motor winding, no additional...
Category 4 EN954-1. 3 LED indication. No integral muting function Supply Voltage = 24 V ac/dc Number of Channels = 1, 2 Function = Light Beam/Curtain Safety Category ISO 13849-1...
Category 4 EN954-1. 3 LED indication. No integral muting function Supply Voltage = 24 V ac/dc Number of Channels = 2 Function = Emergency Stop, Light Beam/Curtain, Safety Switch/Interlock Safety...
Category 4 to EN954-1. Contact expansion for use with safety relays. Resets with base unit. LED status indication. Screw terminals. DIN rail mounting Supply Voltage = 24 V dc Number...
Category 4 to EN954-1. Contact expansion for use with safety relays. Resets with base unit. LED status indication. Screw terminals. DIN rail mounting Supply Voltage = 24 V Number of...
Category 4 to EN954-1. Monitors back EMF - no external sensors required. Can be used with inverter drives. Universal power supply 24-240Vac/dc. Single or dual channel input operation. LED status...
Category 4 to EN954-1. Single or dual channel input operation. Automatic or manual reset. LED status indication. Screw terminals. DIN rail mounting Number of Channels = 1, 2 Auxiliary Contacts...
Consolidates functionality of two safety relays into a single 22.5 mm housing. Electromechanical relay (DI) or solid state (DIS) outputs. AND / OR logic between single wire safety input and...
Detects the stop condition of all types of AC or DC motor driven machines which, when the motor runs down, produce a residual voltage in the windings. No additional sensor...
DIN rail mounting. For use with powered shot bolt applications. Time delay selectable in 12 steps (3-30 secs). 1 N/O safety contact, 2 N/C auxiliary contacts. Feedback control loop for...
Each miniTwin stick contains both the sender and receiver elements, each symmetrically mounted in one half of a housing and separated by a central synchronisation beam. The diagram shows two...
EC type approved (applies when Safedge profiles are used in conjunction with a Safedge Evaluator). May be cut to size and fit. Corner and straight connectors are active components -...
Emergency stop relay and safety gate monitor in accordance with EN60204-1. Connections for emergency stop button or safety gate limit switch, reset button and safety mat. Feedback control loop for...
Emergency stop relay and safety gate monitor in accordance with EN60204-1. Switching capacity in accordance with EN 60947-4-1, AC1: 240V/8A/2000VA & 400V/5A/2000VA, DC1: 24V/8A/200W. Voltage and current at the input...
Emergency stop relay compliant with the EC Directive on machines 98/37/EC. 1-channel configuration. LED status display. Extremely small design. Overall width 17.5 mm Protection of persons and machines. Machine emergency...
Emergency stop relay compliant with the EC Directive on machines 98/37/EC. 1-channel configuration. LED status display. Short circuit detection between terminal Y1 and earth. Overall width of 22.5 mm Protection...
Ensures correct switching of up to 3 contactors with monitoring. Fail-safe internal monitoring. Single channel input for use with interlock switches and emergency stop buttons. 3 uncommitted safety output circuits...
Ensures motor movement is at a preset limit before an output signal is given. For use with guard locking interlock switches. Fault tolerant principle control unit. Monitors contactor operation. Dimensions:...
Evaluation units with sold-state components such as the SIRIUS 3TK28 4 Safety Relay are becoming increasingly established in safety applications, as a considerably higher number of starting operations and electrical...
Failsafe controllers are used as standard in process engineering. In this context, the use of safe coupling relays for power adjustment and the electrical isolation of actuators is gaining in...
Feedback control loop for monitoring external relays/contactors. LED indication: power, Channel 1 and 2. Additional semiconductor output: status and power. DIN rail mounting. Dimensions (D x W x H) 122...
Fit for signal evaluation of outputs of safety magnetic switches. 2 safety contacts, Stop Category 0. 6 Signalling outputs. Multi-evaluation of up to 6 safety guards. Suitable for signal processing...
Fit for signal evaluation of outputs of safety magnetic switches. 3 Safety contacts, STOP 0. 1 Signalling output Supply Voltage = 24 V ac/dc Number of Channels = 1, 2...
For protecting people and machines. The BG 5925 is also suitable for switching small loads thanks to gold-plated contacts. Evaluation device for light barriers with self-test function. Compliant with the...
For use in controls of metal working presses and other processing machines with dangerous lock movements (conforms to EC directive for machines 89/392/EEC, safety regulations for two-hand circuits on ZH...
Forms the base unit for the modular Minotaur MSR200 family of monitoring safety relays. Diagnostic and networking capabilities with up to 10 input modules and 2 output modules connected to...
Functions include muting and override, concurrence monitoring, monitoring total muting time, sensor gap monitoring, end of muting by ESPE. Applications: Opto-electronic protective devices and non-contact safety switches 2 or 4...
Incorporates relay outputs for two hand control applications. Compact and robust design. The enclosure has a protection class rating of IP40 and the terminals are protected to IP20. To initiate...
LED indication for supply voltage and safety circuits. Automatic restart function available. Contact current rating: 6A . Conform to BS EN 60204 Part 1 1993, EN 954-1, IEC 204-1, VDE...
M2000 2 and 3 beam devices are used for perimeter and access guarding where risk assessment shows that a category 2 device (according to EN 954) offers a suitable level...
Machine emergency stop switches. Monitoring sliding grill guards. SK 4 (with equivalent switching). Ultra compact unit (width 45 mm). Output: 3 N/Os, 1 N/C. 1 or 2-channel configuration. Line termination...
Monitoring two-hand control panels to EN 574 III C. 2 safety contacts, STOP 0 Supply Voltage = 24 V dc Number of Channels = 2 Auxiliary Contacts = 2 Function...
Monitoring two-hand control panels to EN 574 III C. 2 safety contacts, STOP 0 Supply Voltage = 24 V dc Number of Channels = 2 Function = Safety Switch/Interlock Safety...
Monitors the two-hand operation of metal working presses and other processing machines with dangerous lock movements. Conforms to amended standard EN574 and therefore safety level III-C for wiring in line...
Professional range of IDEM VIPER Safety Relays with plug or screw terminals. The safety relays incorporate expansion units. The relays can be directly wired to increase the number of safety...
Professional range of IDEM VIPER Safety Relays with pluggable terminals. The safety relays incorporate expansion units. The relays can be directly wired to increase the number of safety output contacts.
Professional range of IDEM VIPER Safety Relays with screw terminals. The safety relays incorporate expansion units. The relays can be directly wired to increase the number of safety output contacts.
Professional range of Schneider Electric safety modules from the Preventa range. The modules incorporate a manual reset and screw terminals. Designed for dynamic monitoring of hydraulic valves on linear presses...
Professional range of Schneider Electric safety monitoring relays from the Preventa range. The relays incorporate a manual reset and screw terminals. Designed for dynamic monitoring of double bodies solenoid valves.
Professional range of Schneider Electric safety time delay modules. The modules incorporate 2 solid-state outputs. Designed for applications with interlocking on high inertia. All models are highly reliable and excellent...
Professional range of Schneider Preventa safety modules. The modules are designed for emergency stop, switch, sensing or safety light curtain monitoring. All models are highly reliable and excellent quality. IP20...
Professional range of Schneider single-beam photo electric sensors. The sensors incorporate 2 standard safety contacts and 4 solid stat outputs. Screw terminals. 2 N/O safety outputs. IP40 enclosures. IP20 terminals.
Protection of humans and machines in accordance with: EC Directive on Machines 89/392/EEC, IEC 204, EN 60204, DIN VDE 0113 Machine emergency stop switches. Monitoring sliding grill guards. SK 4...
Protection of humans and machines in accordance with: EC Directive on Machines 89/392/EEC, IEC 204, EN 60204, DIN VDE 0113 Machine emergency stop switches. Monitors safety doors. SK 3 (with...
Provides 2N/O safety outputs plus 2 semi conductor outputs for signalling to a PLC. To initiate cycle both pushbuttons must be operated within 0.5 seconds. Monitors change of state of...
Provides 3 N/O safety outputs. Slim design (just 22.5mm width). Terminals accept cable up to 2.5mm² Supply Voltage = 24 V ac/dc Number of Channels = 1, 2 Function =...
Provides 3 N/O safety relay outputs plus 1 N/C volt free signalling output. 4 solid state output signals, duplicating the signalling of the LEDs mounted on the front of the...
Provides 7 N/O safety relay outputs plus 2 N/C volt free signalling output. 4 solid state output signals, duplicating the signalling of the LEDs mounted on the front of the...
Safe detection of mechanical and sensitive protective equipment on an ASi network For operation up to category 2, the inputs can be separately assigned. If category 4 to EN 954-1...
Safety category 4 in accordance with DIN EN 954. Output: 2 N/O, 1 N/C as immediate contacts and 3 off-delay N/O contacts. 1 or 2-channel configuration. Line termination detection on...
Safety category 4 in accordance with DIN EN 954. Output: 2 N/Os, 1 N/C. 1 or 2-channel configuration. Line termination detection on the ON button. Programmable: Activation via the ON...
Safety relay adapted for emergency stop pushbuttons, safety gates and light curtains. Redundant internal design with self-monitoring. Safety device remains active even if the component fails. Removable terminals with connection...
Safety Relay enabling a safety circuit to be interrupted in complete safety. Can be used in the following applications: emergency stop pushbuttons, safety gates. Redundant internal design with self-monitoring. Removable...
Safety relay for two-handed controls. During dangerous movements, the relay requires the operator to keep both hands out of the danger zone. Applications: mechanical presses, hydraulic presses, safety control circuits.
Safety relay in accordance with the EC Machines Directive 98/37/EC. Inputs for 2 switches. Overvoltage and short circuit protection. LED status display. Overall width of 22.5 mm For use in...
Safety relay suitable for use with safety laser scanners and safety light curtains. The UE12-2FG2DO (stock number 701-9216) can have the number of outputs increased with the cascading jumper that...
Safety relays for emergency stop circuits as per the Machines directives and EN 60204 and EN 292 standards. Cabling on 1 or 2 channels. Display LEDs on input channels 1...
Simultaneously monitors all of the sensor and actuator functions and ensures that outputs are shut down in a safety-relevant fashion. The safety relay has two terminals for the sensors: The...
Single or dual channel cabling with short-circuit detection. Choice of self-monitoring or automatic reset. Display LEDs for status of channels 1 and 2, input circuits, power supply voltage and reset.
Smartscan 1000+ Series light curtains incorporate 2 fail-safe, electronic output switches. If there is a requirement for relay output switching a multifunction safety unit is required. The multifunction units not...
SNO 1012K Safety Relay Function - after the operating voltage (L+/L1) is applied via an unactuated emergency stop button or safety gate contact on A1 and A2, the device can...
SNO 4083KM Safety Relay Function - after the supply voltage is applied to terminals A1/A2 and the safety inputs are closed, the enabling current paths (NO contacts) are closed and...
SNZ 1022K Safety Relay Function - after the power supply is established at terminals A1/A2 and the feedback loop is closed (terminals Y1/Y2), the release current paths are closed when...
Stop category O (instantaneous) relay and 1 time delayed output. 15 pre-set values between 0 and 300s . 2 channel monitoring with feedback loop. Automatic or monitored restart. For use...
Stop-Category 0 acc. EN 60204-1. Applications up to Category 4 acc. EN 954-1 or to SIL 3 respectively according to EN 62061 and PL e accoring to EN13849-1. Can be...
Stop-Category 0 acc. EN 60204-1. Applications up to Category 4 acc. EN 954-1, to SIL 3 according to EN62061 and PL e according to EN13849-1. Can be used as emergency...
Suitable for applications that require a safe timing sequence. Meet all requirements of the currently valid safety standards EN 62061, EN ISO 13849-1, Cat 4, SIL 3, PL e. Can...
Suitable for signal processing of potential-free outputs, e.g. emergency stop command devices, position switches and solenoid interlocks. Suitable for signal processing of outputs connected to potentials (AOPDs), e.g. safety light...
Supply: 24Vdc at E-Stop pushbuttons. 1 or 2 channel input. Feedback control loop for monitoring external relays/contactors. LED indication: power, Channel 1 and 2. Relay output: 2 N/O. Monitored manual...
The 3SK1 230 power supply enables the 3SK1 safety relays and expansion units to be used worldwide, regardless of the control supply voltage required. Wide voltage range of 110 -...
The BG5924 is a highly compact safety switch device for the construction of emergency stop switches. It serves to protect personnel and machines in accordance with the EC directive for...
The BH5932 monitors rotating parts for standstill. For instance, this device can be used to make sure the safety door on a machine cannot be opened until the machine is...
The BT51 safety / expansion relay from ABB is designed to connect safety devices directly in the voltage supply circuit to the relay. It has 4 NO safety outputs, a...
The ESR5 safety relay from Eaton is designed to monitor the signals from safety devices at all times and switch off quickly and reliably in an emergency. Suitable for applications...
The G9SA family offers a line-up of compact and expandable safety relay units. Modules with safe OFF-delay timing are available as well as a two hand controller. Simple multiplication of...
The G9SE safety relay from Omron is ideal for a variety of safety input devices such as emergency stop switches, door switches, and light curtains. The screw-less terminals on the...
The G9SX-GS safety relay is designed to support maintenance mode and normal operation mode in a safe way. Two operation modes to support auto switching for applications where machine and...
The G9SX-NS safety relay is designed for electronic monitoring and control of non-contact door switches for enhanced stability in operation. Reduce controller errors caused by unstable doors. Connect up to...
The G9SX-SM standstill monitoring relay with solid state outputs is based on Back EMF operation for two- and three phase systems. Ready to use - covering all standard applications without...
The Guardmaster GLP safety relay has been developed specifically for guard locking applications, it helps OEMs reduce design and installation time for standstill or slow-speed guard locking applications. Using two...
The JSB safety relay from ABB has two inputs, which both have to be closed to keep the safety output contacts closed. This makes the device ideally suited to two...
The JSBRT11 from ABB is a universal safety relay with the most common functions used in safety situations. It can supervise both your safety devices and the internal safety of...
The JSBT4 safety relay from ABB has synchronised dual input channels, within 0.5 s. When both inputs are closed, the safety output contacts are kept closed. The inputs can be...
The JSBT5 from ABB is a single channel safety relay designed to connect safety devices directly in the voltage supply circuit to the relay. It has 3 NO safety outputs,...
The L4000 is a single/multi beam, non contact, safety system using a sender and a receiver arrangement and is certified according to IEC 61496 safety category Type 4.,The system consists...
The Minotaur MSR125H/HP is a logic unit for controlling two control units. Equipped with two redundant channels with fault detection circuit. Controlled automatic reset. Internal self-test. LED display of relay...
The MSR126R/T is designed for connection to a single channel safety gate, a single channel e-stop or a light curtain that provides cross fault detection. The MSR126.1R/T is designed for...
The MSR127RTP is a single function safety relay that can be connected in three different input wiring configurations: one normally closed, two normally closed, or with two PNP connections from...
The Omron G9SB series is an ultra slim safety relay available in either a 17.5mm or 22.5mm housing. The 17.5mm units have 2 or 3 safety contacts and the 22.5mm...
The PNOZ s30 safety control relay from Pilz fulfils a new requirement in the field of drive monitoring, enabling the operating status to be safely monitored and maintained when the...
The PNOZ X1 safety relay meets the requirements of EN 60204-1 and IEC 60204-1 and is used in applications with E-Stop push buttons. The PNOZ X1 safety relay is designed...
The PNOZ X2.1 safety relay meets the requirements of EN 60947-5- 1, EN 60204-1 and VDE 0113-1. It provides a safety-oriented interruption of a safety circuit. The PNOZ X2.1 is...
The PNOZ X3 safety relay provides a safety-related interruption of a safety circuit. It meets the requirements of EN 60947-5- 1, EN 60204-1 and VDE 0113-1. Supply Voltage = 24...
The PNOZ XV2 safety relay provides a safety-related interruption of a safety circuit. It meets the requirements of EN 60947-5- 1, EN 60204-1 and VDE 0113-1. Supply Voltage = 24...
The PNOZ XV3P 3 safety relay provides a safety-related interruption of a safety circuit. It meets the requirements of EN 60947-5- 1, EN 60204-1 and VDE 0113-1. Supply Voltage =...
The PNOZX2.8P safety relay provides a safety-related interruption of a safety circuit. It meets the requirements of EN 60947-5-1, EN 60204-1 and VDE 0113-1. Supply Voltage = 24 - 240...
The PNOZX2.8P safety relay provides a safety-related interruption of a safety circuit. It meets the requirements of EN 60947-5-1, EN 60204-1 and VDE 0113-1. Supply Voltage = 24 V ac/dc...
The Preventa XPS BAE safety relay is designed for electrical monitoring of two-hand control stations (type IIIA). This safety relay can reach SILCL 1 conforming to EN/IEC 62061 and PL...
The PSR safety relay for single or two-channel emergency stop (E-Stop) and safety door monitoring. Relevant safety equipment can be connected easily without the need for additional settings on the...
The PSR safety relay is for light grids, emergency stop (E-Stop) and safety door monitoring. Relevant safety equipment can be connected easily without the need for additional settings on the...
The PSR safety relay is for two-hand control devices and safety door circuits. Relevant safety equipment can be connected easily without the need for additional settings on the relay. Two-channel...
The PSR safety relay with time delay is for emergency stop, safety door monitoring and the evaluation of light grids. Supply Voltage = 24 V dc Number of Channels =...
The PSR safety relays are equipped with forcibly guided contacts as per EN 50205. Single-channel control. Forcibly guided contacts as per EN 50205 Supply Voltage = 24 V ac/dc Number...
The PSRmini from Phoenix Contact is the most narrow safety relay on the market and provides proven safety thanks to force-guided contacts. The PSR-MS with a width of just 6...
The RT6 from ABB is a universal relay to monitor both external and internal safety aspects of your machinery. The RT6 safety relay has a very versatile input configuration, therefore...
The RT7 series from ABB is a universal relay to monitor both external and internal safety aspects of your machinery. The RT7 safety relay has a very versatile input configuration,...
The RT9 safety relay series from ABB comprises of a compact universal design to supervise both your safety devices and the internal safety of your machinery. The RT9 safety relay...
The safety relays of the Advanced series comprise basic devices and input and output expansions. The Advanced devices can be connected by means of a 3ZY12 device connector. When configuring...
The safety relays of the Standard series can be configured as stand alone devices or as an expandable solution with conventional wiring technology. The focus of the Standard series is...
The Schneider XCS-DM coded magnetic safety switches are designed for monitoring the doors, covers and guards of industrial machines with imprecise guiding and low inertia. These safety switches are ideally...
The Schneider XPS-DM safety relays are specifically designed for monitoring the XCS-DMC and XCS-DMP coded magnetic safety switches. When the XCS-DM safety switch is used in conjunction with the XPS-DM...
The SIRIUS 3TK28 27/28 Safety Relays with Timed Delay provide the functionality of time delayed contacts within a 45mm housing. The time delay is adjustable for each unit. Two different...
The SIRIUS 3TK28 34 Safety Relay for Two Hand Control provides the special functionality needed in press control systems. The relays are equipped to monitor two different, redundant input signals...
The SIRIUS safety relays with relay enabling circuits feature positively-driven NO and NC contacts, in pairs, which means if one of the contacts welds, then the other contact is used...
The slimline G7SA relay family with forcibly guided contacts is available as a four- or six-pole type in various contact combinations and offers reinforced insulation. Terminals are arranged for easy...
The three models of the Omron G9SR safety relays cover virtually all common control system safety requirements in standalone applications. They feature front-panel DIP switches for fast, easy configuration and...
The Vital safety device from ABB is the heart of a new solution which makes it possible to install/connect many different types of safety device in the same safety circuit...
The XPS-CM safety module, used in conjunction with the single beam XU2S safety light devices, constitutes a type 2 safety light curtain conforming to IEC 61496-1. Flexibility allows connection of...
The XPSAC safety relays are used for monitoring Emergency stop circuits conforming to standards EN/ISO 13850 and EN/IEC 60204-1 and also meet the requirements for the electrical monitoring of switches...
This can be quickly and reliably assembled to form a tailor-made safety solution. To connect using TBUS correctly you will need one PSR-TBUS per module. For the last additional module...
Turck EZ-SCREEN series of Light Barriers provide the user with a premium & versatile safety system. Thanks to the compact profile of the EZ-SCREEN series and comprehensive range of mounting...
Two hand relay in accordance with EN 60204-1. Conforming to EN 574 type IIIC. DIN rail mounting. LED indication for channels and power. The number of contacts available can be...
Up to six switches can be connected e.g. 528-0790, 528-0879 or 528-0857. Suitable for use with Expansion module 3TK28 30. Cross circuit detection Supply Voltage = 24 V dc Number...
Used to increase the number of contacts that can be used on safety related control units e.g. E -stop relays, safety gate monitors, two hand relays. P93 housing. DIN rail...
Used to increase the number of contacts that can be used on safety related control units e.g. E stop relays, safety gate monitor, two hand relays. S95 housing. DIN rail...
XPS-MP offers a simple solution for all safety applications and reduces the number of ordering references needed by combining 15 pre-determined functions that are all certified. Designed to monitor 2...
XPS-VC switches XY2AU used in conjunction with the XPS-VC safety relay offer a certified safety solution ensuring the safety of machine operators during setting and maintenance operations. Use while carrying...
Zonegard 4 safety mat controller - Machine Guarding & Safety - Safety Relays