Transcat, Inc. Datasheets for Torque Sensors

Torque sensors, gauges, instruments, and switches are used to measure torque in a variety of applications.
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Product Name Notes
Product Highlights The TTC Series provides exceptional accuracy for measuring torque on various products including torque wrenches, manual screwdrivers, electric screwdrivers, pneumatic screwdrivers and other torque controlled power tools. The...
Product Highlights 1/2 Drive Torque Tester, Range 120-3000 in-lb, 10-250 ft-lb, 13.5-340 Nm Eliminates hand held position errors Used for torque testing and calibration Three operating modes, Normal, Peak, and...
Product Highlights 1/2 Drive Torque Tester, Range 150-3000 in-lb, 12.5-250 ft-lb, 17-340 Nm Eliminates hand held position errors Used for torque testing and calibration Three operating modes, Normal, Peak, and...
Product Highlights 1/2 Drive Torque Tester, Range 72-1800 in-lb, 6-150 ft-lb, 8-200 Nm Eliminates hand held position errors Used for torque testing and calibration Three operating modes, Normal, Peak, and...
Product Highlights 1/2 Drive Torque Tester, Range 90-1800 in-lb, 7.5-150 ft-lb, 10-200 Nm Eliminates hand held position errors Used for torque testing and calibration Three operating modes, Normal, Peak, and...
Product Highlights 1/2 Drive, Torque & Angle Meter, Range 120-3000 in-lb, 10-250 ft-lb, 13.5-340 Nm Eliminates hand held position error ±1% Accuracy of reading 10 to 100% of scale in...
Product Highlights 1/2 Drive, Torque & Angle Meter, Range 72-1800 in-lb, 6-150 ft-lb, 8-200 Nm Eliminates hand held position error ±1% Accuracy of reading 10 to 100% of scale in...
Product Highlights 1/2 Drive, Torque Meter, Range 120-3000 in-lb, 10-250 ft-lb, 13.5-340 Nm Eliminates hand held position error DTS covers the most common torque ranges. from 30 in-lbs to 600...
Product Highlights 1/2 Drive, Torque Meter, Range 150-3000 in-lb, 12.5-250 ft-lb, 17-340 Nm Eliminates hand held position error DTS covers the most common torque ranges. from 30 in-lbs to 600...
Product Highlights 1/2 Drive, Torque Meter, Range 90-1800 in-lb, 7.5-150 ft-lb, 10-200 Nm Eliminates hand held position error DTS covers the most common torque ranges from 30 in-lbs to 600...
Product Highlights 1/2 Drive, Torque Range 72-1800 in-lb, 6-150 ft-lb, 8-200 Nm Eliminates hand held position error DTS covers the most common torque ranges. from 30 in-lbs to 600 ft-lbs...
Product Highlights 3/4 Drive Torque Tester, Range 192-4800 in-lb, 16-400 ft-lb, 21.5-542 Nm Eliminates hand held position errors Used for torque testing and calibration Three operating modes, Normal, Peak, and...
Product Highlights 3/4 Drive Torque Tester, Range 288-7200 in-lb, 24-600 ft-lb, 32.5-813 Nm Eliminates hand held position errors Used for torque testing and calibration Three operating modes, Normal, Peak, and...
Product Highlights 3/4 Drive, Torque & Angle Meter, Range 192-4800 in-lb, 16-400 ft-lb, 21.5-542 Nm Eliminates hand held position error ±1% Accuracy of reading 10 to 100% of scale in...
Product Highlights 3/4 Drive, Torque & Angle Meter, Range 288-7200 in-lb, 24-600 ft-lb, 32.5-813 Nm Eliminates hand held position error ±1% Accuracy of reading 10 to 100% of scale in...
Product Highlights 3/4 Drive, Torque Meter, Range 192-4800 in-lb, 16-400 ft-lb, 21.5-542 Nm Eliminates hand held position error DTS covers the most common torque ranges. from 30 in-lbs to 600...
Product Highlights 3/4 Drive, Torque Meter, Range 288-7200 in-lb, 24-600 ft-lb, 32.5-813 Nm Eliminates hand held position error DTS covers the most common torque ranges. from 30 in-lbs to 600...
Product Highlights 3/8 Drive Torque Tester, Range 24-600 in-lb, 2-50 ft-lb, 3-67.8 Nm Eliminates hand held position errors Used for torque testing and calibration Three operating modes, Normal, Peak, and...
Product Highlights 3/8 Drive Torque Tester, Range 30-600 in-lb, 2.5-50 ft-lb, 3.4-67.8 Nm Eliminates hand held position errors Used for torque testing and calibration Three operating modes, Normal, Peak, and...
Product Highlights 3/8 Drive Torque Tester, Range 48-1200 in-lb, 4-100 ft-lb, 6-135 Nm Eliminates hand held position errors Used for torque testing and calibration Three operating modes, Normal, Peak, and...
Product Highlights 3/8 Drive Torque Tester, Range 60-1200 in-lb, 5-100 ft-lb, 6.78-135 Nm Eliminates hand held position errors Used for torque testing and calibration Three operating modes, Normal, Peak, and...
Product Highlights 3/8 Drive, Torque & Angle Meter, Range 150-3000 in-lb, 12.5-250 ft-lb, 17-340 Nm Eliminates hand held position error ±2% Accuracy of reading 10 to 100% of scale in...
Product Highlights 3/8 Drive, Torque & Angle Meter, Range 24-600 in-lb, 2-50 ft-lb, 3-67.8 Nm Eliminates hand held position error ±1% Accuracy of reading 10 to 100% of scale in...
Product Highlights 3/8 Drive, Torque & Angle Meter, Range 48-1200 in-lb, 4-100 ft-lb, 6-135 Nm Eliminates hand held position error ±1% Accuracy of reading 10 to 100% of scale in...
Product Highlights 3/8 Drive, Torque & Angle Meter, Range 60-1200 in-lb, 5-100 ft-lb, 6.78-135 Nm Eliminates hand held position error ±2% Accuracy of reading 10 to 100% of scale in...
Product Highlights 3/8 Drive, Torque & Angle Meter, Range 90-1800 in-lb, 7.5-150 ft-lb, 10-200 Nm Eliminates hand held position error ±2% Accuracy of reading 10 to 100% of scale in...
Product Highlights 3/8 Drive, Torque Meter, Range 48-1200 in-lb, 4-100 ft-lb, 6-135 Nm Eliminates hand held position error DTS covers the most common torque ranges. from 30 in-lbs to 600...
Product Highlights 3/8 Drive, Torque Meter, Range 60-1200 in-lb, 5-100 ft-lb, 6.78-135 Nm Eliminates hand held position error DTS covers the most common torque ranges. from 30 in-lbs to 600...
Product Highlights Capacity (Resolution) 40.00 (0.01 lbf-in), 50.00 (0.01 kgf-cm), 500.0 (0.1 N-cm) Programmable high/low setpoints with color-coded LED indicators and output signal for quick go/no go testing 1,000 Data...
Product Highlights DESIGNED TO BE A STURDY, COMPACT, COST EFFICIENT TESTER: Can be mounted on a wall or workbench allowing operators to test torque wrenches at their work stations ALL...
Product Highlights Digital torque gauge series for small torque range 2~200cN • m. Digital torque gauge with built-in digital display. Mini-size handheld torque gauge. Flip-up display can be adjusted for...
Product Highlights Ergonomic torque sensor with Jacobs chuck Peak torque values saved and displayed High-speed 2,000 Hz sampling rate USB data output Programmable set points with pass/fail indicators Live load...
Product Highlights For verifying and setting clockwise torque wrenches and torque screwdrivers in the range from 0.2 - 3150 N-m Simple, electronic torque tester with integrated torque transducer (DMS) With...
Product Highlights For verifying and setting clockwise torque wrenches and torque screwdrivers in the range from 0.2 - 3150 N-m Simple, electronic torque tester with integrated torque transducer (DMS) With...
Product Highlights For verifying and setting clockwise torque wrenches and torque screwdrivers in the range from 0.2-12 Nm Simple, electronic torque tester with integrated torque transducer (DMS) With fixed hexagon...
Product Highlights For verifying and setting clockwise torque wrenches and torque screwdrivers in the range from 0.9-55 Nm Simple, electronic torque tester with integrated torque transducer (DMS) With fixed hexagon...
Product Highlights For verifying and setting clockwise torque wrenches and torque screwdrivers in the range from 9-320 Nm Simple, electronic torque tester with integrated torque transducer (DMS) With fixed hexagon...
Product Highlights High Accuracy ± 0.5% F.S. ± 1 digit to ensure precise results Wide Torque Range - 2Nm, 5Nm and 10Nm models to meet a wide variety of applications...
Product Highlights High Accuracy - Reduces waste! Great for high accuracy applications LED Indicators for HI, LO, GO –Testing is snap! ONE TOUCH operation — Records, Zeros, & Re-sets with...
Product Highlights Integral transducer and sturdy housing allow mounting in virtually any position Unique neck design allows the operator to see the LCD display when testing long torque wrenches Accuracy:...
Product Highlights Made in the USA - Quality and Availability Torque Testers Are Used to Check the Accuracy of Various Types of Torque Wrenches and Screwdrivers Including Pre-Sets Designed to...
Product Highlights Max. Sample Diameter: 1/2" to 7" (13 - 178 mm) Gross Shipping Weight: 14 lbs (6.4 g) Shipping Dimensions: 17 x 13 x 10" (approx.) Pegs: 1" (standard)...
Product Highlights Programmable high/low set points with color-coded LED indicators and output signal for quick Go/No Go testing USB (virtual COM port), RS-232C, Digimatic, and Analog outputs lbf-in, ozf-in, N-m,...
Product Highlights Table top, manual load, digital torque meter ideal for cap testing. 99 Data Memory Expanded Software Capabilities Statistical Data: Hi, Lo, Sample, Ave., Range Variation, and Standard Deviation...
The TTC Series provides exceptional accuracy for measuring torque on various products including torque wrenches, manual screwdrivers, electric screwdrivers, pneumatic screwdrivers and other torque controlled power tools. The TTC's provide...