Festo Corporation Datasheets for Gas Valves

Gas valves are used to handle and control the flow of gaseous media such as liquefied petroleum and natural gas. They are made of metal or plastic and vary in terms of valve size, pressure rating, number of ports, and flow.
Gas Valves: Learn more

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Product Name Notes
2/2-way valve for slowly pressurizing pneumatic systems (for use with shut off valves HE and HEE) For building up pressure gradually Adjustable pressure build-up time Size: mini, midi, maxi
Compressed air filter, regulator, and compressed air regulator functions in a single unit Size: micro, mini, midi, maxi
Compressed air filter, regulator, and compressed air regulator functions in a single unit With manual or semi-automatic condensate drain Size: mini
Connections: threaded connection at both ends, push-in connector at both ends Metal version
Electric 3/2-way valve for pressurizing and venting pneumatic installations A muffler can be attached or the exhaust air can be ducted at port 3 With solenoid coil, without plug socket...
Exhaust air throttle GRE: sintered metal Flow control valve muffler GRU: polymer
Flow control valve, throttling at both ends In-line throttle Connections: push-in connector at both ends Connections: in-line, Y-shape Polymer design
Flow control valve, throttling at one end Polymer, metal, or stainless steel design Standard, mini, in-line variants with different flow rates Functional combination of throttle check valve and piloted non-return...
For shutting off the compressed air supply whilst simultaneously exhausting systems powered by compressed air Can be locked in the closed position Screwed into piping, through-holes for wall mounting To...
High-efficiency filter for exceptionally clean compressed air Removal of oil aerosols from compressed air Version with differential pressure gauge for visual indication of filter contamination Size: mini, midi, maxi
Manual 3/2-way valve for pressurizing and exhausting pneumatic installations A muffler can be attached or the exhaust air can be ducted at port 3 The switching position is immediately recognizable...
Non-return and flow control valve In-line installation
Non-return and flow control valve Mounting on sub-base or for front panel mounting
Pneumatic 3/2-way valve for pressurizing and exhausting pneumatic installations Especially suitable for applications requiring explosion protection Size: mini, midi, maxi
Stop valve, manually operated Connection: thread at both ends, push-in connector at both ends, thread/push-in connector Different mounting options
Sturdy thanks to full metal design High corrosion resistance (corrosion resistance class CRC 3 to Festo standard 940 070) Ambient temperature -40 ... +80 °C Resistant to UV radiation and...
Two pressure gauge connections for different installation options With manual, semi-automatic, or fully automatic condensate drain Lockable rotary knob Size: micro, mini, midi, maxi
Valve function: non-return function Screw-in or in-line installation With connecting thread at both ends, push-in connector at both ends, thread/push-in connector
Valve function: piloted non-return function Pneumatically piloted Screw-in with external thread Pilot air connection: M5, G1/8, G1/4, G3/8, QS-4 Manually actuated exhaust possible with separate accessory
With manual or semi-automatic condensate drain Size: mini

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