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Festo Corporation Datasheets for Resistors

Resistors are electrical components that oppose the flow of either direct or alternating current. They are used to protect, operate, or control circuits.
Resistors: Learn more

Product Name Notes
braking resistor CACR-KL2-33-W2400 Size=600, Assembly position=(* Free convection, * Vertical), Performance at 35% duty cycle and 20°C=3600 W, Rated capacity, braking resistance=1440 W, Resistance value=33 Ohm
braking resistor CACR-KL2-67-W1800 Size=600, Assembly position=(* Free convection, * Vertical), Performance at 35% duty cycle and 20°C=1800 W, Rated capacity, braking resistance=720 W, Resistance value=67 Ohm
braking resistor CACR-LE2-100-W500 Size=500, Assembly position=(* Free convection, * Vertical), Performance at 35% duty cycle and 20°C=500 W, Rated capacity, braking resistance=200 W, Resistance value=100 Ohm
braking resistor CACR-LE2-72-W500 Size=500, Assembly position=(* Free convection, * Vertical), Performance at 35% duty cycle and 20°C=500 W, Rated capacity, braking resistance=200 W, Resistance value=72 Ohm