Princess Auto Limited Datasheets for Metal Files, Rasps, and Rifflers
Metal files, rasps and rifflers have serrated cutting surfaces for rounding off sharp edges, removing burrs, blending parting lines, cleaning, surface preparation, and other part surface finishing applications.
Metal Files, Rasps, and Rifflers: Learn more
Product Name | Notes |
1/8" Chain Saw File | |
10 in. Bastard Cut Mill File | |
10 in. Flat Bastard File | |
10 in. Flat Wood Rasp | |
10 in. Half Round Bastard File | |
12 in. Bastard Cut Flat File | |
12 in. Bastard Cut Mill File | |
12 in. Bastard Cut Round File | |
2 pc File Set | |
3/16" Chain Saw File | |
5-1/4 in. Tungsten Point File | |
6 in. Bastard Cut Mill File | |
8 in. Axe Sharpening File | |
8 in. Bastard Cut Mill File | |
8 in. Bastard Cut Round File | |
Flip-A-File |