Princess Auto Limited Datasheets for Linear Actuators

Electric linear actuators have an output rod that provides linear motion via a motor driven ball screw, lead screw or ACME screw assembly. The actuator's load is attached to the end of a screw or rod and is often unsupported.
Linear Actuators: Learn more

Product Name Notes
12V DC 11.3 in. Stroke 1,000 lb Linear Actuator
12V DC 12 in. Stroke 500 lb Linear Actuator
12V DC 18 in. Stroke 500 lb Linear Actuator
12V DC 24 in. Stroke 500 lb Linear Actuator
12V DC 4 in. Stroke 500 lb Linear Actuator
12V DC 5.3 in. Stroke 1,000 lb Linear Actuator
12V DC 6 in. Stroke 500 lb Linear Actuator
12V DC 7.3 in. Stroke 1,000 lb Linear Actuator
12V DC 8 in. Stroke 500 lb Linear Actuator