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Pulse Electronics Corporation Datasheets for Transformers

Transformers are electrical devices that are designed to transfer energy from one circuit to another by electromagnetic induction. They are used typically to increase or decrease voltage as it passes from one side of the device through the other.
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Product Name Notes
Pulse™s Ethernet transformers are RoHS compliant and qualified at major PHY suppliers. 100/1000/2.5G/5G/10G BASE-T Ethernet transformer modules are optimized for all major LAN transceivers. All modules provide electrical circuit isolation...
We manufacture and supply an extensive line of high-performance xDSL transformers, including ADSL, VDSL, Vectored VDSL, VDSL Hybrid, VDSL Line, G.fast, HDSL2 and G.SHDSL transformer and chipsets. These transformers are...

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