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Broadcom Inc. Datasheets for Absolute Rotary Encoders

Absolute rotary encoders use optical, mechanical, or magnetic indexing for angular measurement. They do not lose their position after power-down, but instead provide absolute position upon power-up without requiring a home cycle or any shaft rotation.
Absolute Rotary Encoders: Learn more

Product Name Notes
Avago Technologies offers a codewheels for use with Avago Technologies's AEAT-9000 series Absolute Encoder Modules. Designed for many environments, applications, and budgets, the codewheels are available in Glass. They are...
Avago's AEAT-84AD enhances the functionality of the AEAS-7000 singleturn module by providing multiturn capabilities and eliminates the need for alignment (via its Plug&Play feature). Notably, its ability to operate up...
The AEAT-60xx series is a high performance, low cost, optical absolute magnetic encoder module, designed to detect absolute angular position for precise motor feedback. The magnetic encoder provides design engineers...
The AEAT-7000 is a high speed, high resolution absolute encoder module capable of providing up to 13bits of absolute positioning information. Its small, compact and modular form factor also makes...
The AEAT-84AD provides all functions as an optoelectronicmechan ical unit in order to implement, with single turn absolute encoder, an absolute multi-turn encoder with a combined capacity of up to...
The AS38-H39E is a multi-turn absolute encoder series available with a high-resolution option of 39 bits (23-bit single-turn and 16-bit multi-turn). The single-turn encoder contains a detector Opto-ASIC that is...
The Avago AEAT-6600-T16 angular magnetic encoder IC is a contact less magnetic rotary encoder for accurate angular measurement over a full turn of 360 degrees. It is a system-on-chip, combining...
The Avago Technologies AEAT-9000 series are high resolution single turn optical absolute encoders. They are designed to allow design engineers to achieve superior positioning performance in terms of speed and...