KSB AG Datasheets for Steam Valves

Steam valves are used to control the flow and pressure level of steam and heated water vapor.
Steam Valves: Learn more

Product Name Notes
Design Butt weld end gate valve with pressure seal bonnet, billet forged body, seats made of wear and corrosion resistant stellite, flexible wedges for exact adaptation to valve seats. Applications...
Design Butt weld end line blind valve in pressure seal design, billet-forged body, seats made of wear and corrosion resistant stellite. Applications In industrial plants, power stations, process engineering and...
Design Cast gate valve to API 600 with bolted bonnet. Outside screw and yoke. Flexible wedge design, non-rotating rising stem and non-rising handwheel. Seating surfaces 13% Cr steel/stellite hard-faced. With...
Design Cast gate valve to ASME B16.34. Pressure seal bonnet, double-disc wedge design. Outside screw and yoke. Rising stem, non-rising handwheel. Stellite hard-faced seating surfaces, incl. back seat. With graphite...
Design Cast globe valve to BS 1873 with bolted bonnet. Outside screw and yoke. Rotating, rising stem. Seating surfaces 13% Cr steel/stellite hard-faced. With graphite gasket and gland packing. Pressure/temperature...
Design Cast swing check valve to ASME B16.34. Pressure seal cover.Internal hinge pin mounted design. Stellite hard-faced seating surfaces, graphite gasket. Pressure/temperature ratings to ASME B16.34. Butt weldends to ASME...
Design Cast swing check valve to BS 1868 with bolted cover. Internal hinge pin mounted design. Bigger sizes with anti-slam/dash pot arrangement (optional). With graphite gasket. Seating surfaces 13% Cr...
Design Cast Y-pattern globe valve to ASME B16.34 with pressure seal bonnet. Outside screw and yoke. Rising stem and non-rising handwheel. Stellite hardfaced seating surfaces, incl. back seat. With graphite...
Design Centered disc butterfly valve with elastomer liner. With lever, manual gearbox, pneumatic, electric or hydraulic actuator. Wafer typebody (T1), semi-lug type body (T2), full-lug type body (T4), U-section body...
Design Die-forged gate valve to API 602. Bolted bonnet (800) or welded bonnet (1500). Solid wedge design. Outside screw and yoke, seating surfaces 13%Cr steel/stellite hard-faced. With graphite gasket and...
Design Die-forged globe valve as per API 602 (800/1500)/ASME B16.34 (2500). Bolted bonnet (800) or welded bonnet (1500/2500). Outside screw and yoke. Integral stellite hard-faced body seat, disc seating face...
Design Die-forged piston type lift valves as per API 602 (800/1500)/ASME B16.34 (2500). Bolted cover (800) or welded cover (1500/2500). Integral stellite hard-faced body seat, disc seating face 13% Cr...
Design Double-offset butterfly valve with plastomer or metal seat ring (firesafe design); without gland packing, maintenance-free. With lever or gearbox, pneumatic, electric or hydraulic actuator. Body made of cast steel...
Design Double-offset butterfly valve with plastomer seat ring (also in fire-safe design). With gearbox or hydraulic actuator. Body made of stainless steel. Wafer type body (T1) or full-lug type body...
Design Double-offset butterfly valve with plastomer seat ring (also in firesafe design) or metal seat ring. With lever or gearbox, pneumatic or electric or hydraulic actuator. Body made of cast...
Design Flanged end bellows-type globe valve with shut-off or throttling valve plug, standard position indicator with colour coding for identification of valve design, replaceable valve plug; bellows protected when valve...
Design Flanged or weld end bellows-type globe valve with replaceable shut-off or throttling valve plug, 2-piece stem; seats made of wear andcorrosion resistant Cr steel or CrNi steel. Applications In...
Design Flanged or weld end bellows-type globe valve with shut-off or throttling valve plug, 2-piece stem; seats made of wear and corrosion resistant Cr steel or CrNi steel. Applications In...
Design Flanged or weld end bellows-type globe valve with shut-off or throttling valve plug; seats made of wear and corrosion resistant Cr steel or CrNi steel. Applications In industrial plants,...
Design Flanged or weld end bellows-type globe valve, Y-valve, withreplaceable throttling valve plug (up to DN 100) or shut-off plug (DN 125 and above), single-piece non-rotating stem; with position indicator,...
Design Flanged or weld end gate valve with bolted bonnet, body of forged or welded steel construction, non-rotating stem, flexible wedges for exact adaptation to seats. Seats made of wear...
Design Flanged or weld end gate valve with pressure seal bonnet, forged or welded body, non-rotating stem, flexible wedges for exact adaptation to seats. Seats made of wear and corrosion...
Design Flanged or weld end globe valve with gland packing, shut-off or throttling valve plug, non-rotating stem, integrated position indicator; seats made of wear and corrosion resistant 17 % Cr...
Design Flanged or weld end globe valve with gland packing, shut-off or throttling valve plug, non-rotating stem, integrated position indicator; seats made of wear and corrosion resistant Cr steel or...
Design Flanged or weld end globe valve with gland packing, shut-off or throttling valve plug, rotating stem; seats made of wear and corrosion resistant 17 % Cr steel or stellite.
Design Flanged or weld end globe valve with gland packing, shut-off or throttling valve plug, rotating stem; seats made of wear and corrosion resistant Cr steel or CrNi steel. Applications...
Design Flanged or weld end globe valve with gland packing, throttling valve plug, non-rotating stem, integrated position indicator, back seat, stellited seats. Applications In industrial plants, power stations, process engineering...
Design Flanged or weld end non-return valve, check disc with closing spring; seats made of wear and corrosion resistant 17% Cr steel or stellite. Applications In industrial plants, power stations,...
Design Flanged or weld end non-return valve, check disc with closing spring; seats made of wear and corrosion resistant Cr steel or CrNi steel. Applications In industrial plants, building services,...
Design Flanged or weld end swing check valve in pressure seal design, with internal hinge pin forged / welded body; seats made of wear and corrosion resistant 17 % Cr...
Design Flanged or weld end swing check valve, with bolted cover, internal hinge pin body of forged or welded steel construction; seats made ofwear and corrosion resistant 17% Cr steel...
Design Flanged or weld end swing check valve, with bolted cover, internal hinge pin body of forged or welded steel construction; seats made ofwear and corrosion resistant 17% Cr steel.
Design Gate valve designed to ANSI/ASME. Forged steel A105 trim 8 (stellite/13% Cr). Pressure/temperature rating to ASME B16.34. Threaded ends(NPT) to ASME B1.20.1. Socket weld ends (SW) to ASME B...
Design Globe valve designed to API 602. Forged steel A105 trim 8 (stellite/13%Cr). Pressure/temperature rating to ASME B16.34. Threaded ends (NPT) to ASME B1.20.1. Socket weld ends (SW) to ASME...
Design Service-friendly control valve with linear or equal-percentage control characteristic at KVS values of 2.5 to 340 m3/h and closing pressures of up to 25 bar; all internal parts are...
Design Start and stop control valve with pressure seal bonnet, billet forged body, seats made of wear and corrosion resistant stellite, rigid throttling plug / stem connection for high differential...
Design Swing check valve (SC) or piston check valve (PT) designed to ANSI/ASME. Forged steel A105 trim 8 (stellite/13% Cr). Pressure/temperature rating to ASME B16.34. Threaded ends (NPT ) to...
Design Weld end globe valve with gland packing, throttling valve plug, non-rotating stem, bayonet-type body / yoke connection, integrated position indicator, stellited seats. Applications In industrial plants, power stations, process...
Design Weld end non-return valve, Y-pattern, check disc with closing spring, pressure seal design, Hastelloy-faced body seats. Applications In industrial plants, power stations, process engineering and shipbuilding. For water, steam,...
Design Weld end swing check valve in pressure seal design, with internal hinge pin, billet forged body; seats made of wear and corrosion resistant stellite. Applications In industrial plants, power...
Flanged end non-return valve with spring-loaded check disc,maintenance-fre e, asbestos-free. Applications Hot water heating systems, high-temperature hot water heating systems heat transfer systems. General steam applications in building services and...
Flanged or weld end non-return valve, check disc with closing spring; seats made of wear and corrosion resistant stellite. Applications In industrial plants, power stations, process engineering and shipbuilding. For...
Globe valve designed to API 602. Forged steel A105 trim 8 (stellite/13%Cr). Pressure/temperature rating to ASME B16.34. Threaded ends (NPT) to ASME B1.20.1. Socket weld ends (SW) to ASME B...
Weld end bellows-type globe valve designed to meet safety-related requirements, straight-way pattern, made of steel or stainlesssteel; integrity maintained after limit switch failure. Applications Reactor cooling, moderator, safety feed, feed...
Weld end bellows-type globe valve designed to meet safety-related requirements, straight-way pattern, made of steel or stainlesssteel; operability maintained after limit switch failure. Applications Reactor cooling, moderator, safety feed, feed...
Weld end bellows-type globe valve designed to meet safety-related requirements, Y-valve, made of cast stainless steel; integritymaintained after limit switch failure. Applications Residual heat removal systems in nuclear applications. Overview...
Weld end globe valve with gland packing or bellows, straight-way pattern, made of steel or stainless steel. Applications Reactor cooling, moderator, safety feed, feed water, live steam and cleaning systems.
Weld end globe valve with gland packing or bellows, with back seat, straight-way pattern, made of steel, stainless steel or nickel. Applications Reactor cooling, moderator, safety feed, feed water, live...
Weld end swing check valve with bolted cover, internal hinge pin, forged body, made of steel or stainless steel. Applications Safety feed, feed water, live steam and condensate systems. Overview...