KSB AG Datasheets for Diaphragm Valves

Diaphragm valves close by means of a flexible diaphragm attached to a compressor.
Diaphragm Valves: Learn more

Product Name Notes
Design Diaphragm valve with gunmetal body and threaded ends for drinking water installations in building services to DIN 1988, DIN-DVGW Waterapproved acc. to test W 270, in compliance with KTW...
Design Diaphragm valve with weld ends or clamps for biotechnology,steril e processes, food and pharmaceutical industries; straight-way or T-pattern, manually or pneumatically operated; shut-off and sealing to atmosphere by diaphragm.
Design Diaphragm valve with weld ends or clamps for biotechnology,steril e processes, food and pharmaceutical industries; straight-way, Y- or T-pattern, manually or pneumatically operated; shut-off and sealing to atmosphere by...
Design Diaphragm valve; shut-off and sealing to atmosphere by diaphragm; straight-way pattern, position indicator with integrated stem protection. DN 125 to 200 with threaded bush. All moving parts are separated...
Design Flanged diaphragm valve for drinking water installations toDIN 1988, DIN-DVGW Water approved acc. to test W 270, in compliance withKTW recommendations (use of elastomers in drinking water applications); shut-off...
Design Flanged diaphragm valve with threaded ends; shut-off and sealing to atmosphere by spiral-supported diaphragm (DN 65 and above); position indicator with integrated stem protection. All moving parts are separated...
Design Flanged diaphragm valve; shut-off and sealing to atmosphereby completely enclosed spiral-supported diaphragm; position indicator with integrated stem protection. All moving parts are separated from the fluid by the diaphragm;
Design Flanged diaphragm valve; shut-off and sealing to atmosphereby diaphragm; straight-way pattern, position indicator with integrated stem protection. DN 125 to 200 with threaded bush. All moving partsare separated from...
Design Flanged diaphragm valve; shut-off and sealing to atmosphereby spiral-supported diaphragm (DN 65 and above); position indicator with integrated stem protection. All moving parts are separated from the fluid by...
Soft-seated flanged or weld end diaphragm valve made of steel, stainless steel or rubber-lined nodular cast iron. Applications Cleaning systems, condensate and cooling water systems. Overview of technical data Actuator...
Weld end gate valve with bolted or pressure seal bonnet, forged or welded body, non-rotating stem, wedge-type or with parallel discs, made of steel or stainless steel. Applications Reactor cooling,...