KSB AG Datasheets for Manual Valve Actuators

Manual valve actuators do not require an outside power source. They use a handwheel or lever to drive a series of gears whose ratio results in a higher output torque compared to the input (manual) torque.
Manual Valve Actuators: Learn more

Product Name Notes
Manual actuators for the operation of quarter-turn valves. MA range manual gearbox, irreversible planetary gear kinematics, operation by handwheel. Applications Building services, industrial processes.
Manual actuators for the operation of quarter-turn valves. MN range manual gearbox, worm gear kinematics, operation by handwheel. Applications Building services, industrial processes, water and industrial applications in non-corrosive and...
Manual actuators for the operation of quarter-turn valves. MR range manual gearbox, irreversible worm gear or scotch-yoke kinematics. Standard operation by handwheel. Models MR 400 to 1600 can be retrofitted...
Multi-turn actuators for diaphragm valves with rising stem,max. closing force 60,000 N, configurable as a function of flow characteristics and valve travel; open / closed position detection; factory-mounted. Applications Building...