Banner Engineering Corp. Datasheets for Linear Position Sensors

Linear position sensors is a general search form for all linear position / displacement detection product areas.
Linear Position Sensors: Learn more

Product Name Notes
15 to 30V dc supply voltage with 4-20 mA or 0-10V dc analog output, depending on model Automatic scaling of the analog output over the width of the programmed sensing...
Available in diffuse-mode models with ranges to 5 m and retroreflective models with a 50 m range Offered in dual-discrete or analog/discrete models Features push-button TEACH-mode programming for custom sensing...
Combines laser-like performance with LED safety and economy Provides an appealing alternative to lasers for many applications, including dry-bulk level measurement, package filling, roll-diameter measurement, loop control and dimensional measurement...
Conserves production space by using a one-piece design Does not touch parts it measures, so can be used with moving processes, hot parts and sticky parts Provides 12 to 30V...
Detects distance changes as small as 1 mm Reliable sensing range of 25 to 300 mm Detects across a variety of target colors, materials and surfaces based on distance Robust...
Extremely accurate, robust and self-contained laser displacement sensor using a 1024 pixel CMOS linear imager Precise narrow laser spot for easy alignment to the target Reliable and accurate measurement results...
Offered in retroreflective models with two discrete outputs (PNP) for extremely long ranges up to 250 m Available in diffuse models with two discrete outputs (PNP) and one 4-20 mA...
Offers 10 to 30V dc supply voltage with 4-20 mA or 0-10V dc analog output, depending on model Senses from 30 to 300 mm Automatically scales the analog output over...
Provides 10 to 30V dc supply voltage with 0-10V dc or 4-20 mA analog output, depending on model Housed in T-style right-angle housing with 30 mm threaded nose Available with...
Ready to measure right out of the box Easy adjustment with a two-line, eight-character intuitive display Linear array provides repeatability and accuracy for challenging targets