Banner Engineering Corp. Datasheets for Color Sensors

Color sensors register items by contrast, true color, or translucent index. True color sensors are based on one of the color models, most commonly the RGB model (red, green, blue).
Color Sensors: Learn more

Product Name Notes
Overview Detects luminescence inherent in a material and luminophores added to a material Senses luminescent marks, even on luminescent backgrounds and reflective surfaces such as ceramic, metal or mirrored glass...
Overview Detects the most difficult color mark contrasts, including 20% yellow on white Features two lens positions and a choice of sensing image orientations Available with a green, blue, red...
Overview Features a self-contained design in a robust, compact metal housing Detects luminescence inherent in a material and luminophores added to a material Senses luminescent marks, even on luminescent backgrounds...
Available in two versions for application flexibility: QC50 models for most applications and QCX50 models for more challenging applications such as differentiating dark blue from black Accurately analyzes and compares...
Delivers outstanding color contrast sensitivity Reliably detects 16 levels of grayscale at up to 10,000 actuations per second Available in two fiber types: economical plastic for repeated flexing and glass...
High-power UV emission provides a consistent beam for improved sensitivity and reliable detection Emitted spot is a line of light formed by 6 UV LEDs Three push buttons to adjust...
Outstanding color contrast sensitivity; detecting contrasts as low as 2% over a wide range of colors Excellent performance in low-contrast or high-gloss applications Ultra-fast 10 kHz switching frequency (10,000 actuations...