Banner Engineering Corp. Datasheets for Optical Triangulation Position Sensors
Optical triangulation position sensors use reflected waves to pinpoint position and displacement. The source of these waves may be a light emitting diode (LED), infrared (IR) light, or laser.
Optical Triangulation Position Sensors: Learn more
Product Name | Notes |
15 to 30V dc supply voltage with 4-20 mA or 0-10V dc analog output, depending on model Automatic scaling of the analog output over the width of the programmed sensing... | |
Combines laser-like performance with LED safety and economy Provides an appealing alternative to lasers for many applications, including dry-bulk level measurement, package filling, roll-diameter measurement, loop control and dimensional measurement... | |
Conserves production space by using a one-piece design Does not touch parts it measures, so can be used with moving processes, hot parts and sticky parts Provides 12 to 30V... | |
Extremely accurate, robust and self-contained laser displacement sensor using a 1024 pixel CMOS linear imager Precise narrow laser spot for easy alignment to the target Reliable and accurate measurement results... |