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Eaton Corporation - Sensors Datasheets for Inductive Proximity Sensors

Inductive proximity sensors detect the presence or absence of an object using a critical distance.
Inductive Proximity Sensors: Learn more

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Product Name Notes
Non-contact Sensing with the Ability to Handle High Currents in a Solid-State Output Now there is an alternative to limit switches for position sensing on industrial vehicles. Cutler-Hammer® High Current...
The Thick Metal Face Protects Against Damage from Impact and Abrasion Cutler-Hammer® Metal Face Inductive Proximity Sensors by Eaton's electrical business incorporate tough stainless steel sensing faces in place of...
Tubular Sensors with Nonmetallic Housings Offer High Corrosion Resistance Inductive Proximity Sensors by Eaton's electrical business are constructed of corrosion resistant PBT plastic. They are ideally suited for wash down...
Cutler-Hammer Rectangular E52 Inductive Proximity Sensors from Eaton’s electrical business feature a small, thin, compact space-saving design for applications where tubular type sensors can not be used. Sensors are self-contained...
The Cutler-Hammer® E51 Series 6P+ inductive proximity sensors are fully sealed, pre-wired and designed specifically to ensure reliability under the most adverse environmental conditions. They have been proven to withstand...
The Cutler-Hammer® E56 Series is a high performance inductive proximity sensor. The E56 Pancake provides greater sensing ranges than other inductive sensor package types. The E56 Pancake family provides convenience...
The Cutler-Hammer® Global Proximity Sensor Family was created by Eaton's electrical business with the high volume OEM in mind. It has been optimized to include only those functions necessary for...
The new Cutler-Hammer E57 Premium+ Series Short Barrel Inductive Proximity Sensors from Eaton's electrical business feature the same sensing ranges as our standard length sensors, but in a body with...
These Cutler-Hammer Sensors from Eaton’s electrical business feature PBT resin housings for high resistance to corrosion. The housing is sized to offer a direct replacement for standard limit switches. The...
These unique Cutler-Hammer® Inductive Proximity Sensors have been specially made by Eaton'ss electrical business to detect only a specific type of metal. Ferrous Only models will detect only ferrous metals...

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