Moxa Inc. Datasheets for Electronic Development Boards

Development and prototype boards and systems are computer boards or complete systems that are used to develop or test electronic modules.
Electronic Development Boards: Learn more

Product Name Notes
By providing a central point of access to remote devices, OnCell Central Manager makes it easy for you to manage multiple devices. Using a standard Web browser, you can securely...
Moxa Device Manager (MDM for short) is an easy-to-use remote management tool for managing Moxa's ready-to-run embedded computers on the Internet. Moxa's embedded computers make excellent front-end computers at remote...
Moxa has unveiled a free 30-day trial version of NVR-based IP surveillance software, SoftNVR, that can simultaneously manage up to 64 channels of streaming video from Moxa's video encoders (VPort 351,...
Moxa IVN (Industrial Video Networking) solutions, which include VPort series Video Servers and IP Surveillance Software, are future-proof, ready-to-use video-over-IP solutions for video surveillance applications. With the growing popularity of...
MOXA PComm Lite includes easy-to-use API functions that are specially designed for async communication applications. Use one of more than 50 easy-to-use API functions with VB, C/C++, and Delphi interfaces...
Moxa SoftDVR™ Pro IP surveillance software is designed for video-over-IP surveillance systems that use Moxa VPort series videoservers as the distributed video networking solution. With the help of Moxa SoftDVR™,...
Moxa's EDS-SNMP OPC Server Pro provides a user-editable Tag file for any SNMP device. Use the default MIB file, or create and edit a standard or private MIB to generate...
The SoftNVR-IA 32-channel IP surveillance software is designed for use with industrial applications. One of the key features of SoftNVR-IA is a built-in OPC server, which can communicate directly with...