Moxa Inc. Datasheets for Network Gateways

Network gateways interconnect networks with different, incompatible communication protocols. They perform a Layer-7 protocol-conversion to translate one set of protocols into another (for example, from TCP/IP to SNA or from TCP/IP to X.25).
Network Gateways: Learn more

Product Name Notes
The MB3170 and MB3270 are advanced Modbus gateways that provide maximum flexibility for integrating industrial Modbus networks of all types and sizes. They are designed to integrate Modbus TCP, ASCII,...
The MB3180, MB3280, and MB3480 are standard Modbus gateways that convert between Modbus TCP and Modbus RTU/ASCII protocols. Up to 16 simultaneous Modbus TCP masters are supported, with up to...
The OnCell G3111/G3151/G 3211/G3251 are cellular IP gateways that can conveniently and transparently connect one device to a cellular network, allowing you to connect to your existing Ethernet and serial devices with...
PCCC objects for Rockwell Automation networks supported ProCOM provides a virtual serial port for multiple DF1 and EtherNet/IP device communication 8 simultaneous EtherNet/IP clients with up to 16 simultane ous...