VEGA Americas, Inc. Datasheets for Level Sensors
Level sensors are used to detect liquid or powder levels, or interfaces between liquids. There are two basic level-measurement types: continuous and point or multi-point.
Level Sensors: Learn more
Product Name | Notes |
Application area 4 ... 20 mA output, measuring range up to 8 m, accuracy ±5 mm VEGAPULS 11 is the ideal sensor for non-contact level measurement of liquids and bulk... | |
Application area 4 ... 20 mA/HART output, measuring range up to 15 m, accuracy ±2 mm, Ex approval, on-site display and 3-button operation VEGAPULS 31 is the ideal sensor for... | |
Application area 4 ... 20 mA/HART output, measuring range up to 15 m, accuracy ±2 mm, Ex approval VEGAPULS 21 is the ideal sensor for non-contact level measurement of liquids... | |
Application area Axial cable outlet, 4 ... 20 mA output, measuring range up to 8 m, accuracy ±5 mm, PVC cable with 10 m length VEGAPULS C 11 is the... | |
Application area Axial cable outlet, measuring range up to 15 m, accuracy ±2 mm, 4 ... 20 mA, HART, SDI-12 or Modbus output, Ex-approval VEGAPULS C 21 is the ideal... | |
Application area Axial cable outlet, measuring range up to 30 m, accuracy ±2 mm, 4 ... 20 mA, HART, SDI-12 or Modbus output, Ex-approval VEGAPULS C 23 is the ideal... | |
Application area Cable or rod sensor. Even in applications with large amounts of dust, condensation or buildup, the sensor delivers precise and reliable readings. The VEGAFLEX 82 level sensor measures... | |
Application area Cable, rod or coaxial sensor. Even in applications with steam, buildup, foam or condensation, the sensor delivers precise and reliable readings – also in standpipes or bypass pipes. | |
Application area Cable, rod or coaxial sensor. Its robust, mechanical design and the second process seal, the Second Line of Defense, protect the sensor for demanding measurement tasks. Process temperature:... | |
Application area Configurable both as compact version and version with tube extension up to 3 m. Numerous process fittings, approvals as well as housing and electronics versions. VEGASWING 66 is... | |
Application area Extensive selection of electronics, housings, approvals. Process fittings: G1½ or 1½ NPT The VEGASON 61 is an ultrasonic sensor for continuous level measurement of liquids or bulk solids. | |
Application area Extensive selection of electronics, housings, approvals. Process fittings: G2 or 2 NPT The VEGASON 62 is an ultrasonic sensor for continuous level measurement of liquids and bulk solids. | |
Application area For adhesive liquids and light, non-abrasive bulk solids, Sensor length up to 4 m The VEGACAP 64 is a point level sensor for non-abrasive liquids and bulk solids. | |
Application area For bulk solids at high temperatures up to +400° C, Sensor length up to 32 m The VEGACAP 67 point level sensor can be used universally for bulk... | |
Application area For bulk solids, adjustment-free setup, Sensor length up to 20 m The VEGACAP 35 is an adjustment-free, capacitive level sensor for bulk solids. Typical applications are overfill and... | |
Application area For conductive and non-conductive liquids. The rod measuring probe is fully insulated and especially suitable for viscous and adhesive products. A full/empty adjustment is necessary for setup. The... | |
Application area For liquids and bulk solids, adjustment-free setup, Sensor length up to 2 m The VEGACAP 98 is an adjustment-free, economical level sensor for liquids and bulk solids. It... | |
Application area For liquids and bulk solids, non-abrasive, Sensor length up to 6 m The VEGACAP 63 point level sensor can be used universalle for the measurement of non-abrasive liquids... | |
Application area For liquids and bulk solids, Sensor length up to 32 m The VEGACAP 65 is a point level sensor for use in all industries. The partly insulated probe... | |
Application area For liquids and bulk solids, Sensor length up to 6 m The VEGACAP 62 is a point level sensor for use in all areas of industry. The partly... | |
Application area For liquids, also in non-conductive containers, Sensor length up to 4 m The VEGACAP 27 is an adjustment-free, capacitive level sensor for liquids. Typical applications are overfill and... | |
Application area For liquids, also in non-conductive containers, Sensor length up to 4 m The VEGACAP 69 is a point level sensor for aggressive liquids in non-conductive vessels. The double... | |
Application area For measurement in conductive and non-conductive liquids. A full/empty adjustment is necessary for setup. The VEGACAL 63 level sensor can be used universally for the measurement of conductive... | |
Application area For measurement of bulk solids and can also be used in non-conductive liquids such as oil. A full/empty adjustment is necessary for setup. The VEGACAL 65 is a... | |
Application area For measurement of bulk solids and non-conductive liquids such as oil. A full/empty adjustment is necessary for setup. The VEGACAL 62 is a level sensor for continuous level... | |
Application area For measurement of bulk solids at high process temperatures up to +400 °C. A full/empty adjustment is necessary for setup. The VEGACAL 67 level sensor can be used... | |
Application area For non-abrasive liquids and bulk solids, Sensor length up to 32 m The VEGACAP 66 point level sensor can be used universall for the measurement of non-abrasive liquids... | |
Application area For use in non-abrasive liquids and bulk solids. The cable probe is fully insulated. A full/empty adjustment is necessary for setup. The VEGACAL 66 is a level sensor... | |
Application area For use in non-conductive vessels or corrosive liquids. The double rod probe is fully insulated and highly resistant. A full/empty adjustment is necessary for setup. The VEGACAL 69... | |
Application area From ¾ thread", universal connection G1" for hygiene adapter, three-wire: IO-Link, PNP/NPN, 4 ... 20 mA (active), hygiene approval, coloured 360° status display VEGAPULS 42 is the ideal... | |
Application area It detects the limit level reliably and with millimetre accuracy directly at the mounting position. Numerous process fittings, approvals as well as housing and electronics versions. The VEGASWING... | |
Application area It detects the limit level reliably and with millimetre accuracy directly at the mounting position. Small level switch version with stainless steel housing The VEGASWING 51 is a... | |
Application area It detects the limit level reliably and with millimetre accuracy directly at the mounting position. The smooth surface of the vibrating rod, without sharp corners or edges, prevents... | |
Application area It detects the limit level reliably and with millimetre accuracy directly at the mounting position. The tuning fork design is very robust and unaffected by buildup. Grain size:... | |
Application area Lateral cable outlet, measuring range up to 15 m, accuracy ±2 mm, 4 ... 20 mA, HART, SDI-12 or Modbus output, Ex approval VEGAPULS C 22 is the... | |
Application area NB-IoT/CAT-M1, LoRa, measuring range up to 15m, accuracy +/-2mm VEGAPULS Air 41 is the ideal sensor for all autarkic applications with bulk solids and liquids. It is particularly... | |
Application area NB-IoT/CAT-M1, LoRa, measuring range up to 30m, accuracy +/-2mm VEGAPULS Air 42 is the ideal sensor for all autarkic applications with bulk solids and liquids. It is particularly... | |
Application area NB-IoT/CAT-M1, LoRa, measuring range up to 3m, accuracy +/-5mm VEGAPULS Air 23 is the ideal sensor for level measurement in IBCs and plastic vessels. The instrument measures through... | |
Application area PFA coated or polished sensor. Even in applications with steam, buildup, foam or condensation, the sensor delivers precise and reliable readings. The VEGAFLEX 83 level sensor measures maintenance-free... | |
Application area Rod electrode with a rod up to 3 m long. A VEGATOR 130 series controller is required for operation. The rod electrode EL 8 is a universal level... | |
Application area Rod electrode with a rod up to 4 m long. Extended temperature range through PTFE insulation. A VEGATOR 130 series controller is required for operation. The rod electrode... | |
Application area SHLD 2 The SHLD series source holder meets the needs of nearly all Density, Point Level and Continuous Level applications. Its lead shielding maximizes source activity while limiting... | |
Application area SOLITRAC 31 is ideal for use on cylindrical vessels, reactors, autoclaves, separators and mixing vessels. SOLITRAC offers extraordinarily high accuracy over the entire measuring range. The SOLITRAC 31... | |
Application area The flexible detector is used on round vessels and vessels with conical outlet and is suitable for measurement of liquids, solids, slurries and suspensions. Due to its thin,... | |
Application area The flexible detector is used on round vessels and vessels with conical outlet and is suitable for measurement of liquids, solids, slurries and suspensions. Due to the larger... | |
Application area The non-contact measuring method has no direct contact with the medium and thus warranties continuous, wear and maintenance free operation. Detached version for use in poorly accessible or... | |
Application area The position of the switching point can be up to 1 m away from the installation location. VEGASWING 53 is a universal liquid level switch with smallest dimensions. | |
Application area The position of the switching point can be up to 6 m away from the installation site. Numerous process fittings, approvals as well as housing and electronics versions. | |
Application area The position of the switching point can be up to 6 m away from the installation site. The smooth surface of the vibrating rod, without sharp corners or... | |
Application area The position of the switching point can be up to 6 m away from the installation site. The tuning fork design is very robust and unaffected by buildup. | |
Application area The position of the switching point can be up to 80 m away from the installation site. The smooth surface of the vibrating rod, without sharp corners or... | |
Application area The position of the switching point can be up to 80 m away from the installation site. The tuning fork design is very robust and unaffected by buildup. | |
Application area The SHLD-1 is used to house the source capsule which is used to provide gamma energy for the radiation-based mass flow, point level, level and density measurements. The... | |
Application area The short rod detector monitors the limit level of liquids and bulk solids without contact. The sensor is used on vessels of any geometry and on pipelines. The... | |
Application area The simple and robust measuring system is virtually independent of the process and the chemical and physical properties of the product. Also suitable for detection of objects, such... | |
Application area The VEGAMAG 81 magnetic indicator consists of a bypass, which is mounted as a communicating tube on the side of an existing vessel. The float used in the... | |
Application area The VEGAMAG 82 series combination magnetic level indicator and Bypass bridle chamber provides the benefits of both visual indication and process control by using the proven technology of... | |
Application area Transmitting unit of the microwave barrier. To be used with a receiving unit of type VEGAMIP R61 or 62. The VEGAMIP T61 is the emitting unit of the... | |
Application area VEGAMAG 83 The VEGAMAG 83 is ideal for processes with low dielectric constant values, cryogenic applications, or light hydrocarbons. The chamber’s compact design provides a smaller installation envelope... | |
Application area VEGAPULS 6X is a universal sensor for continuous level measurement of liquids and bulk solids under all process conditions. Due to its application-oriented configuration and setup, VEGAPULS 6X... | |
Application area With 2 to 5 cables, a corresponding number of switching points between 22 cm and 60 m can be realized. A VEGATOR 130 series controller is required for... | |
Application area With 2 to 5 rods, a corresponding number of switching points between 10 cm and 4 m can be realized. A VEGATOR 130 series controller is required for... | |
Application area With 2 to 5 rods, a corresponding number of switching points between 5 cm and 6 m can be realized. Extended temperature range through PTFE insulation. A VEGATOR... | |
Level Sensor |