Gefran Datasheets for Network Gateways

Network gateways interconnect networks with different, incompatible communication protocols. They perform a Layer-7 protocol-conversion to translate one set of protocols into another (for example, from TCP/IP to SNA or from TCP/IP to X.25).
Network Gateways: Learn more

Product Name Notes
R-ETM100 is a Ethernet module with Modbus protocol over TCP. It controls 100 Mbps communication with the operator terminal on one side and powers and controls the modules installed on...
R-GCANm is a communication module with CANopen protocol for the GILOGIKII family. It’s possible connect CANopen Slave by GEFRAN or from third parts. The baud rate communication is programmable via...
R-GCANs is a communication module with CANopen protocol for the GILOGIKII family. It has 1 CAN channel to control 1 GILOGIK II node with a maximum of 16 I/O modules.