Fiber Instrument Sales, Inc./FIS Datasheets for Optical Time Domain Reflectometers (OTDR)
Optical time domain reflectometers (OTDR) measure the elapsed time and intensity of light reflected along an optical fiber. They are useful tools for locating problems in an optical network as they can compute the distance to breaks or attenuation.
Optical Time Domain Reflectometers (OTDR): Learn more
Product Name | Notes |
20GB hard drive, pulse mode & light source | |
20GB hard drive, pulse mode, light source & fault locator | |
20GB hard drive | |
Applications from long-haul and WDM to metro and FTTH networks | |
Compact, lightweight, rugged design | |
Easy to read color display, one button auto testing | |
Integrated OPM, LS, and VFL | |
Mainframes are standard with color touch display, 20 GB hard drive | |
Many configurations and modules available, contact FIS for addl. Info | |
One button scan, easy zoom features, 220V model available | |
One button scan, easy zoom features, certification software included | |
One button testing, telcordia compatible trace file | |
Tests through high-port-count splitters | |
Windows based unit, large high resolution color display | |
Windows based unit, light source & fault locator |