Indium Corporation Datasheets for Metal Rod and Bar Stock
Metal rod and bar stock are metals and alloys in the form of round bars or rod, square bars, rectangular or flat bars, hexagons, and other bar stock shapes.
Metal Rod and Bar Stock: Learn more
Product Name | Notes |
"Our 6N5WCI (with controlled impurities) indium is refined for use in critical bulk crystal growth and in epitazial processes including molecular beam (MBE), liquid phase (LPE), and vapor phase (VPE)... | |
Typical Indium Analysis 99.99% PPMWT Fe : 1-2 Ni : 2-6 Cu : 2-6 Cd : 5-10 Pb : 10-30 Sn : 10-25 Ti : 1-4 Analysis by OES *... | |
Fusible Alloys include a group of binary, ternary, quaternary, and quinary alloys containing Bismuth, lead, tin, cadmium and indium. The term fusible alloy refers to any of the more than... | |
Indium-tin alloys are useful where lower temperatures are required to protect heat-sensitive components and substrates. The indium-tin eutectic with a sharp melting point has excellent wettability on nonmetallic materials. It... | |
Our 6N5WCI (with controlled impurities) indium is refined for use in critical bulk crystal growth and in epitazial processes including molecular beam (MBE), liquid phase (LPE), and vapor phase (VPE)... | |
This purity is especially suited for the production of single crystal III-V compound semiconductors, such as indium Phosphide used as substrates for fabrication of integrated circuits or discrete devices such... | |
We produce 6N material with impurities held to less than 100 ppb/weight as analyzed by OES. 6N (and often 5N) indium is selected when the user's application offers enough flexibility... |