Indium Corporation Datasheets for Specialty Nonferrous Metals and Alloys

Specialty nonferrous metals and alloys include metals such as hafnium, zirconium, beryllium, tantalum or osmium with unique properties for specific applications.
Specialty Nonferrous Metals and Alloys: Learn more

Product Name Notes
Fusible alloys are materials that melt at less then 300°F, well below the melting point of tin-lead eutectic solders and SAC alloys. Bismuth is the major component of many of...
Fusible Alloys include a group of binary, ternary, quaternary, and quinary alloys containing Bismuth, lead, tin, cadmium and indium. The term fusible alloy refers to any of the more than...
Gallium is a by-product of aluminum extracted during the processing of bauxite into alumina. It can also occasionally be found in Zn ore. We are a refiner and supplier of...
Germanium is extracted from germanium bearing zinc ores or from certain coal ores, collecting the flue dusts after the burning process. It can occasionally be found in copper ores. We...