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PTB Sales, Inc. Datasheets for Plasma Power Supplies

Plasma power supplies are DC and RF devices used in plasma generation equipment for applications such as sputtering, plasma etching, physical vapor deposition (PVD) coating, and chemical vapor deposition (CVD) coating.
Plasma Power Supplies: Learn more

Product Name Notes
$7,200 ASTeX ASTRONex Fl20620 generator. 400 kHz output, 208 3φ input, 38 lbs. The MKS ASTeX ASTRONex reactive gas generator is a reactive source for chamber cleaning and other reactive...
$8,800 ASTRONi AX7670 Remote Plasma Source: rated to 3.0 slm NF3 flow rate, remote source for reactive gas by generating atomic fluorine. ASTRONi data sheet.
Ozone generators can be sold individually or as a system. Applied Science and Technology (ASTeX).