RainWise, Inc. Datasheets for Data Loggers and Data Recorders
Data loggers and data recorders acquire digital data from sensors and other signals. They are primarily used to store data for subsequent downloads to a host PC, but may also include real-time features such as monitors and alarms.
Data Loggers and Data Recorders: Learn more
Product Name | Notes |
Display Console and Data Logger The WeatherLog® System 12 Control/Display Console was developed to meet those applications which require a large number of sensors and/or a number of extra display... | |
High Capacity, Low Cost Wind Data Logger The WindLog™ is a compact, inexpensive wind data logger, designed to meet the needs of people considering the purchase of a wind turbine. | |
Long Range Computer Interface The MKIIICC-LR computer interface is a device that will record and store weather data received from MK III sensor assemblies. The MKIIICC-LR has 32K of memory... | |
Data logger for receiving and processing meteorological measurment values. The TROPOS is available in 3 different varieties in order to provide maximum flexability. Data is transmitted to TROPOS through the... | |
The CC-3000 is our next generation data logger and computer interface. Connectivity, storage capacity and features have all been enhanced. The CC-3000 replaces the CC-2000 and MKIIICC interface. Please be... | |
The EDL is an electronic data logger incorporating non-volatile memory and a low power or "sleep" mode. The logger accepts Rainwise sensors. The RainWise EDL logger incorporates a real time... | |
The Met[LOG] offers superior functionality in a compact data logger with connection through LAN (Ethernet). The new Met[LOG] as well as other Lambrecht Meteo products such as the Rain[e], EOLOS,... | |
The RainLog 2.0 data logger is our next generation Rainfall logger and features numerous improvements over our popular original RainLog. This battery operated logger fits inside many models of tipping... | |
The RainWise RainLog data logger provides an economical method of logging rainfall at a remote location where power is not available. This battery operated logger fits inside our polypropylene rain... |