RainWise, Inc. Datasheets for Hygrometers and Humidity Measurement Instruments

Hygrometers and humidity measurement instruments test for absolute humidity, relative humidity, or dew point in air.
Hygrometers and Humidity Measurement Instruments: Learn more

Product Name Notes
Aspirated Temperature and Humidity Sensor The RainWise ASPRH/T sensor combines our temperature sensor with our relative humidity sensor. The sensors and fan are mounted in a white PVC housing This...
Precision Aspirated Temperature and Humidity Sensor The RainWise ASPRH/TP sensor combines our temperature sensor with our relative humidity sensor. The sensors and fan are mounted in a white PVC housing...
Precision Relative Humidity and Precision Temperature Sensor The RainWise RH/T sensor combines our temperature sensor with our relative humidity sensor. The "high precision" sensors are mounted within a passive multi-plate...
Wet Bulb / Dry Bulb Temperature Sensor The RainWise Wet Bulb/Dry Bulb Thermometer consists of two calibrated temperature sensors in a fan aspirated housing. Both of the sensors are exposed...
Rainwise offers customized turnkey weather monitoring solution.
The RainWise RH/T sensor combines our temperature sensor with our relative humidity sensor. The sensors are mounted within a passive multi-plate solar shield. This dual design results in a compact...