Classic Automation LLC Datasheets for Data Acquisition

Data acquisition is the digitizing and processing of multiple sensor or signal inputs for the purpose of monitoring, analyzing and/or controlling systems and processes. Signal conditioning includes the amplification, filtering, converting, and other processes required to make sensor output suitable for rereading by computer boards.
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Product Name Notes
1070071252- 103 E24V- Input Module, 24 vdc, includes 1070071254- 101 module
1336 Drives
3300 System
3500 System
Analog Output,8- channel , 4- 20 mA ,
Analog Term Panel, CL6885X1- A1
Bosch CL - 1070071252- 103 E24V- Input Module, 24 vdc, includes 1070071254- 101 module
Bosch CL - 8 digital outputs
Bosch CL - A 24V- 0.5A
Bosch CL - A24V- 0.5A
Bosch CL - E24
Bosch CL
CIA- 822 AC Input Module, 220 VAC, 8 channel
CID- 824 Digital Input Module, 24 VDC, 8 channel
CL 200 - A 24V, 0.5A
CL 200 - A24V 32DO 24VDC 0,5A
CL 200 - A24V, 0.5 A
CL 200
CL 300 - 16 Channel
CL 300 - 16 Channels
CL 300 - 32 channels
CL 300 - A24, 0,5
CL 300 - A24/2- 2
CL 300 - A24/2- e
CL 300 - A24V- \.05A ESF
CL 300
CL 400 - SAE A24/0,2-
CL 400
CL 500 - One Channel Data Module.
CL 500 - Profibus DP
CL 500
COD- 081 Digital Output Module, 24 Vdc, 1 A, 8 channels
COR- 2F4 Relay Output Module, 8 channel
Delta V - 2- Wire AI, 8- Channel, 4- 20 mA Card
Delta V - 24VDC
Delta V - 4- 20mA
Delta V - 8 Channel 120/230 VAC Isolated
Delta V - 8 Wide
Delta V - AI 4- 20mA HART CHARM
Delta V - AI, 8- Channel, 1- 5 VDC
Delta V - AI, 8- Channel, 4- 20 mA, HART Series 2 Redundant Card
Delta V - Analog Output 4- 20mA
Delta V - AO 4- 20mA HART CHARM
Delta V - AO, 8- Channel, 4- 20 mA Card
Delta V - DI 120VAC Dry Contact
Delta V - DI, 8- Channel, 24 VDC, Isolated Card
Delta V - DO 120/230VAC H/SIDE
Delta V - DO 24VDC Isolated
Delta V - KJ3001X1- BB1 DI, 8- Channel, 24 VDC, Dry Contact Card
Delta V - KJ3001X1- BJ1 DO, 8- Channel, 24 VDC, High Side Card
Delta V - KJ3002X1- BA1 2- Wire AI, 8- Channel, 4- 20 mA, HART Card
Delta V - KJ3201X1- BA1 DI, 8- Channel, 24 VDC, Dry Contact Series 2 Card
Delta V - KJ3201X1- BK1 S- Series DI 8- Channel NAMUR Card
Delta V - KJ3202X1- BA1 DO, 24 VDC, High- Side, Series 2 Card
Delta V - KJ3202X1- BK1 S- Series DO 8- Channel 24 VDC High- Side Card
Delta V - KJ3203X1- BA1 DI, 32- Channel, 24 VDC Dry Contact Series 2 Card
Delta V - KJ3208X1- BK1 S- Series DO 8- Channel 24 VDC Isolated Card
Delta V - KJ3221X1- BA1 AO, 8- Channel, 4- 20 mA, HART Series 2 Redundant Card
Delta V - KJ3222X1- BA1 AI, 8- Channel, 4- 20 mA, HART Series 2 Redundant Card
Delta V - KL3002X1- BA1 DO 24 VDC High Side CHARM
Delta V - KL3003X1- BA1 DI 24 VDC Dry Contact CHARM
Delta V - KL3004X1- BA1 DO 24 VDC Isolated CHARM
Delta V - KL3302X1- BC1 LS DO 24V ETA CHARM
Delta V - RTD 4- 20mA HART CHARM
Delta V
DO, 32- Channel, 24 VDC, High- Side, Series 2 Card
Flex I/O
Flexi Soft Safety I/O module
for 98 Series FSK Audio Telemetry Terminal
H&B Contronic
Honeywell FSC - 16 Channel, 24 VDC
Honeywell FSC
Input 1- 5 V, Output 1- 5 V
Interface 8 x 4- 20ma Transmitter in, Profibus
K- DP16DI/16DO
KJ3001X1- CB1 DO, 32- Channel, 24 VDC, High Side Card
Micro Innovation XI/ON - 2/3 wire base, 32 point DO blocks, common rail
Micro Innovation XI/ON - 4 wire base , 16 point block DI modules
MicroMod - Spare Parts for 1700N Series Math Unit
MicroMod - Spare Parts for 1710R SLU
MOD 30
Modicom Quantum - 115 Vac, 2 channel
Modicom Quantum - 115 Vac, 4 x 8
Modicom Quantum - 16 Inputs, 115 VAC
Modicom Quantum - 4 Channel Current
Modicom Quantum - 8 input multi- range, conformal coated
Modicom Quantum - 8 input multi- range
Modicom Quantum - analog input module Modicon Quantum - 8 Inputs, multi- range
Modicom Quantum - conformal coated version
Modicom Quantum - conformal coated
Modicom Quantum - DISCRETE AC IN/OUT 115VAC
Modicom Quantum
Modicon Micro - Micro CPU DC PS ANIO DC I/O 24V
PC 200 - 24 Vdc digital input
PC 200 - 24 Vdc input module
PC 200 - 8 point, 24 Vdc
PC 200 - Bosch PC 200 Digital Input Module, 8 Points, 24 VDC
PC 200 - Bosch PC 200 Output Module, 8 points, 24 VDC, 2A
PC 200
PLS 514 - 25 MS
PLS 514
Procontic B - 07AA80 Analog Output Module, GJR5230010R0001
Procontic B - 07XS80 Procontic Digital Input Module (Eingangsbaugruppen) , 8x DI; 24 VDC
Procontic B - 07YS80 Procontic Digital Output Module (Ausgangsbaugruppen) GJR5212100R2 and GJR5212100R1
Procontic B - 07YS81 Binary Output Module,GJR52221800R2
Procontic B - 07YS86 Procontic Relay Output Module (Relais Ausgangsbaugruppen)
Procontic B - R1 In/output unit, 8 inputs for 24 V DC, with LED,. 8 outputs 24 V DC/500 mA
Procontic B
Procontic CS31 - 07AB90- S Digital Output Module GJR5250800R0101
Procontic CS31 - 07EA90- S Analog Input Module, GJR5251200R0101
Procontic CS31 - 07EB90- S Digital Input Module, GJR5250900R0101
Procontic DP800 - 32 point
Procontic K200 - ABB Procontic K200 07AB200 Binary Output Module, order number GJV3072413R1. 8 Relay Outputs.
Procontic K200 - ABB Procontic K200 07EB200 Binary Input Module, order number GJV3072411R1, 24 VDC input, 8 points
Procontic K200
Procontic T200 - +/- 10 vdc; 12 bits; 4 channels
Procontic T200 - 07 AB 61 R1 Digital Output Module, Order Number GJV 30 743 61 R1. 32 channes 24/48 VDC, 0.5 A
Procontic T200 - 07 AB 67 R1 Relay Output Module, Order Number GJV 30 743 64 R1. 16 Relay 240 VAC, 2 A
Procontic T200 - 07 EA 62 R1 Analog Input Module, Order number GJV 30 743 52 R1. - 10 to +10 V Input Range, 12 bit Resolution
Procontic T200 - 07 EA 64 R1 Analog Input Module, Order number GJV 30 743 55 R1.
Procontic T200 - 07AA60R1 ABB Procontic T200 Analog Output Module, 0- 10V
Procontic T200 - 07AA61R1 Analog Output Module - 4- 20ma, 4 channel. ABB order number GJV3074366R1.
Procontic T200 - 07AA65R1 ABB Procontic Analog Output Module, 0- 20 ma
Procontic T200 - 07BT62R1 Basic Module Rack- Slots for one central unit and 8 I/O modules. ABB order number GJV3074303R1
Procontic T200 - 07EA60R1 ABB Procontic T200 Analog Input Module, 0- 10V
Procontic T200 - 07EA61R1 Analog Input Module, 4- 20 ma, electrical isolation, 8- bit, 8 channels. ABB order number GJV3074351R1
Procontic T200 - 07EB61 R1 Digital Input Module, order number GJV 30 743 22 R101. 32 channels, 24 Vdc
Procontic T200 - 24VDC, 32 channels
Procontic T200 - 4~20MA 12 BIT
Procontic T200 - Analog Input Thermocouple, 0- 20 ma, electrical isolation, 13- bit, 8 channels. Electrically Isolated
Procontic T200 - Binary Output Module, Order Number GJV 30 743 63 R1. 32 Isolated Outputs
Procontic T200 - for up to 512 I/O via triax cable connection
Procontic T200 - part type 07EA65R1 Analog Input Module, 0- 20 ma, electrical isolation, 12- bit, 8 channels, order number GJV3074359R1
Procontic T200 - PT100 13 bits 8 channels, Electrically Isolated
Procontic T200 - triax cable to substation
Procontic T200
PROFIBUS, 16 x digital out
Provox - 70YY23125, CL6753X1- A10 Debounce Input Module, 3- 32 VDC
Provox - 9906 Analog Input, Fisher- Rosemount Systems
Provox - Analog Input Term Panel, CL6897X1- A1
Provox - Analog Term Panel, CL6886X1- A1
Provox - Analog Term Panel, CL6898X1- A1
Provox - Dual Channel, CL6859X1- A5 Smart Device Input Module
Provox - I/O Module Term Panel, CL6787X1- A1
Provox - Input 1- 5 V, Output 1- 5 V
Rosemount RS3 - 01984- 2448- 0001 Analog Marshalling Panel
Rosemount RS3 - 01984- 2518- 0002 Analog I/O Module
Rosemount RS3 - 01984- 2518- 0002R Analog I/O Module
Rosemount RS3 - 01984- 2526- 0001 Analog Flexterm Rack
Rosemount RS3 - 01984- 2526- 0002 Analog Flexterm Rack
Rosemount RS3 - 10P59150002 Analog I/O Module
Rosemount RS3 - 16 Point, 4- 20 mA
Rosemount RS3 - 16.5" Can Mount up to 6 DC Output Cards.
Rosemount RS3 - 16POINT 4- 20MA
Rosemount RS3 - FIC 4- 20 w/Hart Modules Included: 01984- 2519- 0052R and 01984- 2518- 0002R.
Rosemount RS3 - Just The Board Without the cage, for Rack: 01984- 2526- 0002.
Rosemount RS3 - MPAIO Input FIM, 16 point, 4- 20 mA
Rosemount RS3 - Output Voltage: 20- 37VDC, Fuse Type:10A- 20A
Rosemount RS3 - Output Voltage: 20- 37VDC
Rosemount RS3 - Rosemount RS3 Power Supply
Rosemount RS3 - With board 01984- 2448- 0001.
Rosemount RS3
SLIO - 031 0031 - Analog input 4 inputs 16Bit Current 0(4)…20 mA requires less parameter bytes than module 031- 1CD40
SLIO - IM 053CAN - CANopen slave CANopen slave 16Rx and 16 Tx PDOs 2SDOs PDO- Linking PDO- Mapping: fix Max. 64 peripheral modules
SLIO - IM 053DN - DeviceNet slave DeviceNet slave Group 2 only Device Poll only Device Baud rate: 125, 250 and 500kbit/s Max. 64 peripheral modules
SLIO - IM 053DP - Profibus- DP slave PROFIBUS- DP slave (DP- VO, DP- V1) 244 Byte input and 244 Byte output data Max. 64 peripheral modules
SLIO - IM 053EC - EtherCAT slave EtherCAT slave RJ45 jack 100BaseTX Max. 64 peripheral modules
SLIO - IM 053IP - EtherNet/IP slave EtherNet/IP slave CIP Max. 64 peripheral modules
SLIO - IM 053MT - Modbus/TCP slave Modbus/TCP slave I/O configuration via fieldbus Adjustable I/O cycle (0,5…4 ms) Max. 64 peripheral modules
SLIO - IM 053PN - PROFINET- IO- Slave PROFINET- IO slave Transfer rate 100Mbit/s Max. 64 peripheral modules
SLIO - SM 021 - Digital input 2 fast inputs Input filter time delay parameterizable 2µs…4ms
SLIO - SM 021 - Digital input 2 inputs Active low input
SLIO - SM 021 - Digital input 2 inputs Time stamp
SLIO - SM 021 - Digital input 2 inputs
SLIO - SM 021 - Digital input 4 fast inputs Input filter time delay parameterizable 2µs…4ms
SLIO - SM 021 - Digital input 4 inputs Active low input
SLIO - SM 021 - Digital input 4 inputs Connect 2/3 wire
SLIO - SM 021 - Digital input 4 inputs Safety
SLIO - SM 021 - Digital input 4 inputs Time stamp
SLIO - SM 021 - Digital input 4 inputs
SLIO - SM 021 - Digital input 8 inputs Active low input
SLIO - SM 021 - Digital input 8 inputs detection of wiring errors
SLIO - SM 021 - Digital input 8 inputs
SLIO - SM 022 - Digital output 2 Low- Side outputs Output current 0,5 A
SLIO - SM 022 - Digital output 2 outputs Output current 0,5 A
SLIO - SM 022 - Digital output 2 outputs Output current 2 A
SLIO - SM 022 - Digital output 2 outputs PWM
SLIO - SM 022 - Digital output 2 outputs Time stamp Output current 0,5 A
SLIO - SM 022 - Digital output 2 relay outputs DC 30V / AC 230 V Output current 3 A
SLIO - SM 022 - Digital output 4 Low- Side outputs Output current 0,5 A
SLIO - SM 022 - Digital output 4 outputs Output current 0,5 A
SLIO - SM 022 - Digital output 4 outputs Output current 2 A
SLIO - SM 022 - Digital output 4 outputs Safety Output current 0,5 A
SLIO - SM 022 - Digital output 4 outputs Time stamp Output current 0,5 A
SLIO - SM 022 - Digital output 8 Low- Side outputs Output current 0,5 A
SLIO - SM 022 - Digital output 8 outputs Output current 0,5 A detection of wiring errors
SLIO - SM 022 - Digital output 8 outputs Output current 0,5 A
SLIO - SM 031 - Analog input 2 inputs 12Bit Current 0(4)…20mA
SLIO - SM 031 - Analog input 2 inputs 12Bit Current 4…20 mA 2 wire
SLIO - SM 031 - Analog input 2 inputs 12Bit Current 4…20mA 2wire
SLIO - SM 031 - Analog input 2 inputs 12Bit Voltage - 10 V…+10 V
SLIO - SM 031 - Analog input 2 inputs 12Bit Voltage 0…10 V
SLIO - SM 031 - Analog input 2 inputs 16Bit Current 0(4)…10mA
SLIO - SM 031 - Analog input 2 inputs 16Bit Current 0(4)…20mA
SLIO - SM 031 - Analog input 2 inputs 16Bit Thermocouple Voltage - 80mV…+80mV requires less parameter bytes than module 031- 1BB90
SLIO - SM 031 - Analog input 2 inputs 16Bit Thermocouple Voltage - 80mV…+80mV
SLIO - SM 031 - Analog input 2 inputs 16Bit Voltage - 10 V…+10 V
SLIO - SM 031 - Analog input 4 inputs 12Bit Current 0(4)…20mA
SLIO - SM 031 - Analog input 4 inputs 12Bit Voltage - 10 V…+10 V
SLIO - SM 031 - Analog input 4 inputs 12Bit Voltage 0…10 V
SLIO - SM 031 - Analog input 4 inputs 16Bit 0…3000 ohm resistance Resistance measurement with 2, 3 and 4- wires requires less parameter bytes than module 031- 1BD80
SLIO - SM 031 - Analog input 4 inputs 16Bit 0…3000 ohm resistance Resistance measurement with 2- , 3- and 4- wires
SLIO - SM 031 - Analog input 4 inputs 16Bit Current 0(4)…20mA
SLIO - SM 031 - Analog input 4 inputs 16Bit Voltage - 10 V…+10 V
SLIO - SM 031 - Analog input 4 inputs 16Bit Voltage 0… 10 V requires less parameter bytes than module 031- 1CD30
SLIO - SM 031 - Analog input 4 inputs 16Bit Voltage 0…10 V
SLIO - SM 032 - Analog output 2 outputs 12Bit Current 0(4)…20 mA
SLIO - SM 032 - Analog output 2 outputs 12Bit Voltage - 10 V…+10 V
SLIO - SM 032 - Analog output 2 outputs 12Bit Voltage 0…10 V
SLIO - SM 032 - Analog output 2 outputs 16Bit Voltage - 10 V…+10 V
SLIO - SM 032 - Analog output 2 outputs 16Bit Voltage 0…10 V
SLIO - SM 032 - Analog output 4 outputs 12Bit Current 0(4)…20mA
SLIO - SM 032 - Analog output 4 outputs 12Bit Voltage - 10 V…+10 V
SLIO - SM 032 - Analog output 4 outputs 12Bit Voltage 0…10 V
SLIO - SM 032 - Analog output 4 outputs 16Bit Voltage - 10 V…+10 V
SLIO - SM 032 - Analog output 4 outputs 16Bit Voltage 0…10 V
System 100V - 16 (20) inputs 16 (12) outputs 16 kB work memory, 24 kB load memory RS485 interface
System 100V - 16 (20) inputs 8 (4) outputs thereof 2xPWM, 50kHz, 16kB work memory, 24 kB load memory
System 100V - EM 134 - Expansion module, analog 3 inputs U/I 1 input Pt, Ni, R 2 outputs U/I Configurable
System 100V - With integrated RS485 interface.
System 100V
System 2005 - (3AM050.6 electronics in replacement housing) 2005 analog mixed module, 4 inputs, 0 to 10 V, 12- bit, 4 outputs, ±10 V, 12- bit, order 1x TB170 terminal...
System 2005
Telemecanique TSX Compact

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