Isotech, Inc. Datasheets for Linear Slides and Linear Stages

Linear slides are simple linear motion devices composed of a stationary base and a moving carriage. Linear stages are slides with a drive mechanism that provide controlled, precise positioning along a linear axis.
Linear Slides and Linear Stages: Learn more

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Product Name Notes
Isotech offers a wide range of micrometer driven ball and crossed roller linear positioning stages with travels ranging from .25″ to 4.0″. All units are available in X, XY and...
Isotech’s Ball Slide Assemblies offer engineers and designers ball bearing technology for their applications. Our linear ball slides offer several levels of precision ranging from a straight line accuracy of...
Isotech’s Crossed Roller Slide Assemblies offer engineers and designers crossed roller bearing technology for their applications. Our crossed roller bearings offer several levels of precision ranging from a straight line...

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