Isotech, Inc. Datasheets for Linear Bearings

Linear bearings are used in applications where a component needs to be moved along a straight line with high accuracy.
Linear Bearings: Learn more

Product Name Notes
A wide variety of linear slide units are available. Their high precision blocks increase the accuracy of machinery and other equipment. The blocks can be constructed of resin to reduce...
Isotech now offers a new standard in linear motion with TOPBALL High Performance Slide Bushing. The TOPBALL Linear Side Bushing is a high performance bushing with three times the load...
Isotech’s RK type slide rotary bushing is a highly accurate rigid component providing smooth continuous linear and rotational motion. Its structure imposes no constraints on either motion. It is much...
The Isotech Slide Bushing is a linear motion mechanism utilizing the rotational motion of ball elements. Since linear motion is obtained using a simple mechanism, the slide bushing can be...
The Isotech Slide Screw converts rotational motion into linear motion by utilizing the friction between radial ball bearings and a shaft. This simple mechanism eases maintenance and installation cost. The...
The Isotech Stroke Bushing is a linear and rotational motion mechanism utilizing the rotational motion of ball elements between an outer cylinder and a shaft. It is compact and can...