Stamping Services

Service Detail from Isotech, Inc.

Stamping, Panels and Enclosures -- View Larger Image
Stamping, Panels and Enclosures-Image


Company Information
Located outside of Philadelphia in Hatfield, Pennsylvania, Isotech is a manufacturer’s representative and distributor of proprietary mechanical and electromechanical products to the industrial, medical and military OEM and in-plant markets. With an extensive line of products, Isotech offers solutions to compliment both standard and atypical linear motion, fabrication, marking, and motion control applications.
Stamping Capabilities
Deep Drawing; Fourslide / Multislide Stamping; Progressive Dies
Secondary Operations
Anodizing; CNC Machining; Drilling / Tapping; Heat Treating / Stress Relieving; Water / Abrasive Jet Cutting; Welding; Painting / Powder Coating; Silk Screening & Pad Printing; Coiling / Spring Making; Toolmaking