Utility Parts Central, Inc. Datasheets for Cable Reels

Cable reels are used for storage, unwinding, and winding of conductive cable or lifting cable.  Electric cable reels have contacts for maintaining live power during winding.
Cable Reels: Learn more

Product Name Notes
CR Collapsible Reel The CR collapsible reel is designed for picking up wire in neat coils. The reel is simply pushed onto the winch shaft, compressing the spring and then...
Hannay Spring rewind grounding reel model SGCR10-17-19 Independently tested to 43 kVA for 30 cycles. Helps meet OSHA requirements for vehicle grounding. Fast, convenient, automatic spring rewind. Ratchet mechanism locks...
LD Payout Reel Utility Tool & Trailer designed the LD Payout Reel for both picking up wire cable in neat coils in addition to paying out. Unit expands and contracts...