APV, An SPX Brand Datasheets for Storage Tanks and Process Tanks

Storage tanks and process tanks are bulk containers of varying size and configuration.
Storage Tanks and Process Tanks: Learn more

Product Name Notes
During the second whey draw, the cheese fines in the whey are sedimented in a FinesSaving tank.The sediment fines will constantly be moved to prevent fines lumps before forwarding to...
Small aseptic tank for the pilot UHT plant. Field of application All UHT-treated liquid aseptic products Advantages Mobile tank, easy to move Easy and fast installation Operator-friendly Pre-assembled and factory-tested...
The APV FX Aseptic Tank operates independently of the UHT line and filling lines, avoiding recirculation and ensuring continuous production regardless of interruption in the filling rate or CIP of...
The CurdFinishing tank is used for gentle final agitation as well as for the second whey draw which can be performed without stopping the agitator. This will minimise the lumps...