QuinStar Technology, Inc. Datasheets for Antennas
Antennas are structures or devices used to collect or radiate electromagnetic waves.
Antennas: Learn more
Product Name | Notes |
QuinStar Technology offers a wide range of custom horns available in the 18-140 GHz frequency range. Products include conical and scalar (corrugated) horns and very wide beam pyramidal and sectoral... | |
QuinStar Technology offers QOT Series orthomode transducers covering full waveguide bands from K band through W band covering 18 to 110 GHz in seven bands. These orthomode transducers (OMT) are... | |
QuinStar Technology’s QAP series open waveguide probes have been carefully designed to perform near-field measurements. These probes are compatible with many standard waveguide sizes and can operate over a large... | |
QuinStar Technology’s QWL series linear-to¬-circular fixed polarizers cover the frequency range of 12.4 to 110 GHz in eight waveguide bands. Fixed polarizers are sections of circular waveguide with a built-in... | |
QuinStar Technology’s QWQ series linear-to¬-circular switchable polarizers cover the frequency range of 12.4 to 170 GHz in ten waveguide bands. Series QWQ switchable polarizers have an internal polarizing card that... | |
QuinStar’s QGH series of standard gain horn antennas cover the frequency range of 26.5 to 110 GHz in six waveguide bands with a nominal mid-band gain of 24dB. These horns... | |
QuinStar’s QWH series of standard gain horn antennas cover the frequency range of 18 to 220 GHz in 10 waveguide bands. They are available with either a rectangular aperture (pyramidal... |