QuinStar Technology, Inc. Datasheets for Antennas

Antennas are structures or devices used to collect or radiate electromagnetic waves.
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Product Name Notes
QuinStar Technology offers a wide range of custom horns available in the 18-140 GHz frequency range. Products include conical and scalar (corrugated) horns and very wide beam pyramidal and sectoral...
QuinStar Technology offers QOT Series orthomode transducers covering full waveguide bands from K band through W band covering 18 to 110 GHz in seven bands. These orthomode transducers (OMT) are...
QuinStar Technology’s QAP series open waveguide probes have been carefully designed to perform near-field measurements. These probes are compatible with many standard waveguide sizes and can operate over a large...
QuinStar Technology’s QWL series linear-to¬-circular fixed polarizers cover the frequency range of 12.4 to 110 GHz in eight waveguide bands. Fixed polarizers are sections of circular waveguide with a built-in...
QuinStar Technology’s QWQ series linear-to¬-circular switchable polarizers cover the frequency range of 12.4 to 170 GHz in ten waveguide bands. Series QWQ switchable polarizers have an internal polarizing card that...
QuinStar’s QGH series of standard gain horn antennas cover the frequency range of 26.5 to 110 GHz in six waveguide bands with a nominal mid-band gain of 24dB. These horns...
QuinStar’s QWH series of standard gain horn antennas cover the frequency range of 18 to 220 GHz in 10 waveguide bands. They are available with either a rectangular aperture (pyramidal...