QuinStar Technology, Inc. Datasheets for RF Mixers

RF mixers convert RF power at one frequency into power at another frequency to make signal processing easier and more efficient.
RF Mixers: Learn more

Product Name Notes
QuinStar Technology supplies series QMI mixer with I (in phase) and Q (quadrature phase) outputs. They are offered over the RF range of 18 to 110 GHz. These mixers utilize...
QuinStar Technology’s QMA series of spectrum analyzer mixers facilitate the display and measurement of milli¬meter-wave signals using lower frequency (microwave) local oscillator signals. They cover the frequency range of 18...
QuinStar Technology’s QMB series balanced mixers enable millimeter-wave signals to be down converted to broad IF bandwidths with a local oscillator. They are available for RF over 18-110 GHz in...
QuinStar Technology’s QMH series harmonic mixers enable down-conversion of millimeter-wave signals using lower frequency (microwave) local oscillator in the 2 to 20 GHz frequency range. The down-converted intermediate frequency (IF)...