QuinStar Technology, Inc. Datasheets for Horn Antennas

Horn antennas are used for the transmission and reception of microwave signals. They are usually fed by waveguides.
Horn Antennas: Learn more

Product Name Notes
QuinStar Technology offers a wide range of custom horns available in the 18-140 GHz frequency range. Products include conical and scalar (corrugated) horns and very wide beam pyramidal and sectoral...
QuinStar’s QGH series of standard gain horn antennas cover the frequency range of 26.5 to 110 GHz in six waveguide bands with a nominal mid-band gain of 24dB. These horns...
QuinStar’s QWH series of standard gain horn antennas cover the frequency range of 18 to 220 GHz in 10 waveguide bands. They are available with either a rectangular aperture (pyramidal...