QuinStar Technology, Inc. Datasheets for RF Waveguide Transition Adapters

RF waveguide transition adapters are used to connect waveguide components of different cross-section sizes.
RF Waveguide Transition Adapters: Learn more

Product Name Notes
QuinStar Technology’s QWA series waveguide to coax adapters allow an efficient method of transition from rectangular waveguide to a coaxial connector. Full waveguide band adapters are available from 12.4 to...
QuinStar Technology’s QWC series circular-to-rectangu lar waveguide transitions cover the frequency range of 18 to 220 GHz in ten waveguide bands. The waveguide transitions are used to connect standard rectangular...
QuinStar Technology’s QWS, QWR and QWP series waveguide straight sections, raw waveguide and tapered transitions cover the frequency range of 18 to 220 GHz in ten waveguide bands. Straight waveguide...