Shimadzu Scientific Instruments, Inc. Datasheets for Calorimeters and Thermal Analyzers

Calorimeters and thermal analyzers contain a heat source that can deliver a heat flux, at a distinct temperature, into a sample, and a temperature-measuring device that can read the resultant change in temperature.
Calorimeters and Thermal Analyzers: Learn more

Product Name Notes
High-Performance Differential Scanning Calorimetry Measurements Robust heat-flux differential scanning calorimeters, the DSC-60 Plus series finds applications in research and development and quality control environments for characterization of polymers, pharmaceuticals, foods,...
High-Temperature Calorimetry Measurements Use the DTA-50 when calorimetry measurements above the DSC-60 Plus series temperature limit of 600°C are required, such as for characterizing glass or ceramics. The DTA-50 has...
The DTG-60 Series features an integrated balance assembly, providing high sensitivity and excellent stability over a wide dynamic mass range. In addition, the built-in cooling fan and low-mass furnace allow...
The TMA-60 Series offers two models: a full-expansion multi-functional system and a differential expansion system. Both incorporate a high-precision digital displacement sensor for dramatically improved measurement accuracy across a wide...
These analyzers feature an advanced thermo-balance design for outstanding vibration resistance and stable, high-sensitivity measurements. With a weight readability of 0.1 µg, the TGA-50 series can quantify the smallest of...
These analyzers feature an advanced thermo-balance design for outstanding vibration resistance and stable, high-sensitivity measurements. With a weight readability of 0.1 µg, the TGA-51 series can quantify the smallest of...