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Pyott-Boone Electronics (PBE Group) Datasheets for Gas Instruments

Gas instruments detect, monitor or analyze gases present in an environment.
Gas Instruments: Learn more

Product Name Notes
Present day coal mining usually involves either a longwall or multiple miners in several sections. The difference between the two is that the feeder for the belt in a miner...
Standard CO sensors are susceptible to cross sensitivity and therefore false readings when Hydrogen gas is present. By combining a Hydrogen and CO sensor in the same unit the effects...
The Carbon Monoxide Monitors with Prestart Sounder/Strobe are available with 320 BAUD (Model 1715) or 4800 BAUD (Model 1716) PBE communication rates. The monitors are standard 1700 series CO Smart...
The Model 1905 is designed to be an Uninterruptable Power Source for the Smart Remote Series, Remote Alarms, and as a direct replacement for older Model 803 / 1903's. Contained...
The Model 2200, when used with the Model BBS/II Power Supply with Battery Backup, is a stand-alone, environmental gas monitor capable of measuring four different gas types in a simple...
The Model 3000 series Smart Remotes are environmental gas monitors capable of measuring ambient gas concentrations with a variety of features that make them powerful and easy to use. For...
The Model 7011 deluge activation CO monitor was developed to activate the deluge type fire suppression systems. In most instances CO is liberated long before flames are present. This provides...
This unit will allow you to easily calibrate and maintain the unit, with a simple four button programming. Easily viewed with the LCD display. Low voltage operation with adjustable alarm...