Intertape Polymer Group, Inc. Datasheets for Protective Liners and Lining Systems
Protective liners and lining systems protect an underlying surface from corrosion, wear, erosion, heat or fire. They may also provide leak protection or fluid containment.
Protective Liners and Lining Systems: Learn more
Product Name | Notes |
3-way fiberglass reinforced natural kraft paper. Used as a protection for finished floors/surfaces during construction or remodeling/repair. Non-bleeding, non-staining. Skid and slip resistant. Water and oil resistant. Withstands medium to... | |
Aquamaster® Geomembrane liners from IPG are proven solutions for water resource management for a variety of industries and applications - from agricultural irrigation and water conservation to oil and gas... | |
Hand Mask Film is a pre-folded high density polyethylene masking film. The thick and durable 12 micron film is treated to resist overspray flaking during paint applications. This special film... | |
With over 18 years of in-field service, providing more than 50,000,000 square yards of fabric for frame supported structures in the last FIVE years alone, NovaShield™ from IPG, is designed... |