HUBER+SUHNER AG Datasheets for RF Diplexers, Duplexers, and Multiplexers

RF diplexers are three-port frequency-dependent devices that may be used as a separator or a combiner of signals. RF duplexers allow a transmitter operating on one frequency and a receiver operating on a different frequency to share a common antenna with a minimum of interaction and degradation of the different RF signals.
RF Diplexers, Duplexers, and Multiplexers: Learn more

Product Name Notes
Coarse Wavelength Division Multiplexing (CWDM) is an excellent choice for increasing bandwidth capacity while keeping costs down. The COLOR-Cube family is based on standard Thin Film Filter (TFF) technology with...
Our SENSOR-Cubes split or combine different bands, ranging from UV, VIS to IR, with a ultra high out-off band rejection of up to 90dB. They are used e.g. for Raman...
While we use our patented packaging and assembly technology for the wider WDM grids, we also rely on classical cascading of 3-ports assembled into modules for the narrow DWDM grids.