HUBER+SUHNER AG Datasheets for Fiber Optic Transceivers

Fiber optic transceivers include both a transmitter and a receiver in the same component.
Fiber Optic Transceivers: Learn more

Product Name Notes
1 to 4Gbps, fixed or multirate, with or without digital diagnostics for Ethernet, fiber Channel, SDH / SONET. Link budgets up to 41dB for all 18 ITU CWDM channels. DWDM...
9.95 to 11.1Gbps multirate or 9.95 to 10.5Gbps standard. All types coming with digital diagnostics. For Ethernet, fiber Channel, SDH / SONET. Link budgets up to 23dB for all 18...
Available as "grey" (1310nm/1550nm), "coloured" CWDM and DWDM Versions. 9,95 to 11.1Gbps multirate, 9,95 to 10.5Gbps fixed. Link budgets up to 23dB for all 18 ITU CWDM channels, up to...
The CFP (C Form-factor Pluggable, where C stands for Centum, hundred) MSA is the first industry standard for pluggable 40Gbps and 100Gbps optical transceivers for telecom and datacom application. CFP...
The QFSP form factor is the second generation industry standard for pluggable 40Gbps optical transceivers. Size and power dissipation are significantly reduced compared to first generation CFP. 40G QSFP are...