Skyworks Solutions, Inc. Datasheets for Diodes

Diodes are electronic components that conduct electric current in only one direction, functioning as a one-way valve. Diodes are manufactured using semiconductor materials such as silicon, germanium or selenium and are used as voltage regulators, signal rectifiers, oscillators and signal modulators / demodulators.
Diodes: Learn more

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Product Name Notes
Isolink beam-lead silicon Schottky barrier mixer diodes are designed for applications through 40 GHz. The beam-lead design reduces the problem of bonding to the very small area characteristic of the...
Skyworks APD series of silicon PIN diodes are designed for use as switch and attenuator devices in high-performance RF and microwave circuits. The PIN diode designs are useful over a...
Skyworks beam-lead silicon Schottky barrier mixer diodes are designed for applications through 40 GHz. The beam-lead design reduces the problem of bonding to the very small area characteristic of the...
Skyworks beamless diode family is designed for a high degree of device reliability in both commercial and industrial uses. The diodes are designed to offer the utmost in performance as...
Skyworks CLA series of silicon limiter diodes provides passive receiver protection over a wide range of frequencies from 100 MHz to over 30 GHz. These devices use Skyworks wellestablished silicon...
Skyworks packaged, beam-lead and chip Schottky barrier detector diodes are designed for applications through 40 GHz in Ka band. They are made by the deposition of a suitable barrier metal...
Skyworks series of packaged, beam-lead and chip zero bias Schottky barrier detector diodes are designed for applications through K band. The choice of barrier metal and process techniques results in...
Skyworks silicon Schottky diode chips are intended for use as detector and mixer devices in hybrid integrated circuits at frequencies from below 100 MHz to higher than 40 GHz. Skyworks...
Skyworks’ Silicon Mesa Beam Lead PIN diode is surrounded by a glass frame for superior strength and electrical performance that surpasses the standard beam lead PINs. The DSM8100-000 is designed...
The Beamless Diode family is designed for a high degree of device reliability in both commercial and industrial uses. They are designed to offer the utmost in performance as well...
The CLA4603-085LF is a surface mountable, low capacitance silicon PIN limiter diode designed as a shunt connected PIN diode for high power limiter applications from 10 MHz to over 6...
The CLA4605-085LF is a surface mountable, low capacitance silicon PIN limiter diode designed as a shunt connected PIN diode for high power limiter applications from 10 MHz to over 6...
The CLA4606-085LF is a surface mountable, low capacitance silicon PIN limiter diode designed as a shunt connected PIN diode for high power limiter applications from 10 MHz to over 6...
The CLA4607-085LF is a surface mountable, low capacitance silicon PIN limiter diode designed as a shunt connected PIN diode for high power limiter applications from 10 MHz to over 6...
The CLA4608-085LF is a surface mountable, low capacitance silicon PIN limiter diode designed as a shunt connected PIN diode for high power limiter applications from 10 MHz to over 6...
The CLA4609-086LF is a surface mountable, low capacitance silicon PIN limiter diode designed as a shunt connected PIN diode for high power limiter applications from 10 MHz to over 6...
The CLA4610-085LF is a surface-mountable, low-capacitance silicon PIN limiter diode designed as a shunt-connected PIN diode for high-power limiter applications from 10 MHz to over 6 GHz. Maximum resistance at...
The CLA4611-085LF is a surface mountable, low capacitance silicon PIN limiter diode designed as a shunt connected PIN diode for high power limiter applications from 10 MHz to over 6...
The DSG9500-000 is designed for low resistance, low capacitance and fast switching time. The oxide-nitride passivation layers provide reliable operation and stable junction parameters that provide complete sealing of the...
The Skyworks APD series of silicon PIN diodes are designed for use as switch and attenuator devices in high-performance RF and microwave circuits. The PIN diode designs are useful over...
The Skyworks CLA series of silicon limiter diodes provides passive receiver protection over a wide range of frequencies from 100 MHz to over 20 GHz. These devices use a well-established...
The Skyworks SMS392x-099 family of Si Schottky diodes are configured as ring quads intended for use in double-balanced mixers. Each ring quad die is comprised of four Schottky junctions, connected...
The SMP series of PIN diodes are designed for high volume switch applications from 10 MHz to beyond 2 GHz. The low current, low capacitance performance of these diodes makes...
The SMP1302 series of plastic packaged, surface mountable, low capacitance (0.3 pF) silicon PIN diodes is designed for highvolume switch and attenuator applications from 10 MHz to beyond 2 GHz.
The SMP1302-087LF is a surface-mountable, low-capacitance silicon PIN diode designed as a series-connected PIN diode for high-power, high-volume switch and attenuator applications from 10 MHz to beyond 6 GHz. Maximum...
The SMP1304 series of plastic packaged, surface mountable, low capacitance (0.3 pF) silicon PIN diodes is designed for attenuator applications from 5 MHz to beyond 2 GHz. The thick 100...
The SMP1304-085LF is a surface mountable, low capacitance silicon PIN diode designed as a shunt connected PIN diode for high power, high volume switch and attenuator applications from 10 MHz...
The SMP1307 series of plastic packaged, surface mountable, low capacitance (0.3 pF) silicon PIN diodes are designed for use in attenuator applications from 5 MHz to beyond 2 GHz. The...
The SMP1320 series of plastic packaged, surface mountable PIN diodes is designed for use in high volume switch applications from 10 MHz to more than 10 GHz. The low current...
The SMP1321 series of plastic packaged, surface mountable PIN diodes is designed for use in high volume switch applications from 10 MHz to more than 10 GHz. The low capacitance...
The SMP1322 series of plastic packaged, surface mountable PIN diodes is designed for use in high volume switch applications from 10 MHz to more than 10 GHz. The ultra-low resistance...
The SMP1324-087LF is a surface mountable PIN diode suitable for use in an RF switch or attenuator circuit. Maximum resistance at 50 mA is 0.75 Ω and maximum capacitance at...
The SMP1325-085LF is a surface mountable, low capacitance silicon PIN diode designed as a shunt connected PIN diode for high power, high volume switch and attenuator applications from 10 MHz...
The SMP1325-087LF is a surface mountable PIN diode suitable for use in an RF switch or attenuator circuit. Maximum resistance at 100 mA is 0.55 Ω and maximum capacitance at...
The SMP1330 series of limiter diode in plastic packages is designed for use as a passive receiver protector in wireless and other RF systems covering 2 GHz and higher. It...
The SMP1330-085LF is a surface mountable, low capacitance silicon PIN limiter diode designed as a shunt connected PIN diode for high power limiter applications from 10 MHz to over 6...
The SMP1331 series of plastic packaged, surface mountable PIN diodes is designed for use in high volume switch applications from 10 MHz to more than 10 GHz. The low capacitance...
The SMP1331-085LF is a surface mountable, low capacitance silicon PIN diode designed as a shunt connected PIN diode for high power, high volume switch and attenuator applications from 10 MHz...
The SMP1331-087LF is a surface mountable, low-capacitance silicon PIN diode designed as a series connected PIN diode for high-power, high-volume switch and attenuator applications from 10 MHz to beyond 6...
The SMP1334-084LF is a surface-mountable, low-capacitance silicon PIN diode designed as a series-connected PIN diode for high-power, high-volume switch and attenuator applications from 10 MHz to beyond 6 GHz. Typical...
The SMP1340 series of plastic packaged, surface mountable PIN diodes is designed for high volume switch applications from 10 MHz to more than 10 GHz. The short carrier lifetime of...
The SMP1345 series of plastic packaged, surface mountable PIN diodes is designed for high volume Low-Noise Block (LNB), Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN), and switch applications from 10 MHz to...
The SMP1345-087LF is a surface mountable PIN diode suitable for use in an RF switch or attenuator circuit. Maximum resistance at 10 mA is 2 Ω and maximum capacitance at...
The SMP1352 series of plastic packaged, surface mountable, low capacitance (0.3 pF) silicon PIN diodes are designed for large signal switch applications from 10 MHz to beyond 2 GHz. These...
The SMP1371-087LF is a surface mountable PIN diode suitable for use in an RF switch or attenuator circuit. Maximum resistance at 10 mA is 0.5 Ω and maximum capacitance at...
The SMPA1302-079LF plastic packaged, surface mountable, low capacitance (0.3 pF) silicon PIN diode is designed for switch and attenuator applications used in vehicle infotainment. The nominal 50 μm I region...
The SMPA1304-011LF plastic packaged, surface mountable, low capacitance (0.3 pF) silicon PIN diode is designed for attenuator applications from 5 MHz to beyond 2 GHz. The thick 100 μm I...
The SMPA1320-079LF plastic packaged, surface mountable PIN diode is designed for use in high volume switch applications from 10 MHz to more than 10 GHz. The low current performance of...
The SMPA1345-040LF plastic-packaged, surface-mountable PIN diode is designed for high-volume low-noise block (LNB), wireless local area network (WLAN), and switch applications from 10 MHz to 6 GHz. The short carrier...
The SMS3922, SMS3923, and SMS3924 series of 8, 20, and 70 V rated, low-cost plastic packaged Schottky diodes are designed for general purpose use in RF applications. All diodes are...
The SMS7621-060 is a silicon, low-barrier N-type Schottky diode with an ultra-miniature 0201 footprint. This diode may be used in detector circuits, sampling circuits, and mixer circuits. The low series...
The SMS7621-092 is a silicon, low barrier n-type Schottky diode anti-parallel pair. This diode pair can be used for sub-harmonic mixer circuits and other applications such as frequency multiplication. The...
The SMS7630-061 is a silicon, zero bias Schottky detector diode with an ultra-miniature 0201 footprint and very low barrier height. This P-type diode can be used for sensitive video detector...
The SMSA3923-011LF plastic packaged Schottky diode is designed for several automotive in-vehicle applications. Features AEC-Q101 qualified Package rated MSL1, 260 °C per JEDEC J-STD-020 Applications Cellular Telematics Infotainment Remote Keyless...
The SMSA7621-060 is a silicon, low-barrier N-type Schottky diode with an ultra-miniature 0201 footprint. This diode may be used in detector circuits, sampling circuits, and mixer circuits. The low series...
The SMSA7630-061 is a silicon, zero bias Schottky detector diode with an ultra-miniature 0201 footprint and very low barrier height. This P-type diode can be used for sensitive video detector...
The SMV1130 series of surface mount hyperabrupt junction varactor diodes are designed for very high capacitance tuning ratios with a low series resistance, which makes these devices especially attractive for...
These low-cost, surface mountable, plastic packaged silicon mixer Schottky diodes are designed for RF and microwave mixers and detectors. They include low barrier diodes and zero-bias detectors that combine Skyworks...
This Skyworks family of Si Schottky diodes are configured as bridge quads intended for use in double-balanced mixers. Each bridge quad die is comprised of four Schottky junctions. There are...

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