Bepex International LLC Datasheets for Pelletizers

Pelletizers are process machines that form materials into pellets for use in subsequent operations.
Pelletizers: Learn more

Product Name Notes
The Bepex MS Roll Compactor transforms fine solid materials into hard, dense sheets or briquettes. Designed for difficult applications to produce hard, granules or briquettes Multiple roll designs for the...
The Bepex FlexTurbulizer bridges the gap between high-shear agglomeration and the need for self-cleaning mixing operation. Using a consistently flexible mixing chamber this technology can process materials that would otherwise...
The Extrud-O-Mix extrusion machine is a unique technology that eliminates typical boundaries between mixing and agglomeration equipment. Low-pressure mixing ideal for combining powders and liquids to produce a paste or...
The Flex-O-Mix wet mixing machine is a versatile process technology that is capable of handling multiple applications including: High moisture addition where a porous dispersible granule is the desired final...
The Turbulizer paddle mixer is a continuous high shear mixer with adjustable paddle angles and tip-to-wall clearance provides flexibility for control of residence time and mix intensity. High paddle tip...