Zygo Corporation Datasheets for Dimensional and Profile Scanners

Dimensional and profile scanners gather two-dimensional (2D) or three-dimensional (3D) information about an object.
Dimensional and Profile Scanners: Learn more

Product Name Notes
Large Format Inspection & Metrology The Nexview™ 650 metrology system is an inspection tool for automated measurement of injection molding tooling, PCBs, glass panels and other samples requiring an extended...
Designed for the most demanding applications, the Nexview™ NX2 3D optical profiler combines exceptional precision, advanced algorithms, application flexibility, and automation into a single package that represents ZYGO's most advanced...
The NewView™ 9000 3D optical surface profiler provides powerful versatility in non-contact optical surface profiling. With the system, it is easy and fast to measure a wide range of surface...
The ZeGage™ optical profiler is the ideal non-contact tool for quantitative measurements of 3D form and roughness on precision machined surfaces. The industrial design provides fast, accurate metrology in a...