Zygo Corporation Datasheets for Optical Lenses

Optical lenses are transparent components made from optical-quality materials and curved to converge or diverge transmitted rays from an object. These rays then form a real or virtual image of the object.  This area includes micro lenses.
Optical Lenses: Learn more

Product Name Notes
Computer Controlled Optical Surfacing Aspheres & precision sphere, flats, cylinders Can achieve: ›› 1 nm RMS surface figure, ›› 0.2 nm RMS surface roughness (glass) Configurable for glass, CaF2, Zerodur,...
Aspheres – precision aspherical optics manufactured by ZYGO's Optics business segment – can be manufactured in sizes up to 500 mm, with tolerances better than λ/5000 RMS @ 633 nm.
ZYGO manufactures the world’s most accurate aspherical, spherical and freeform optics. These can be manufactured in sizes up to 600 mm, with surface figure tolerances better than 100 picometers. To...
ZYGO's Optics business segment manufactures precision spheres and lenses ranging in diameter from 50 mm to 200 mm with radii from 12.7 mm to 8 meters. Our standard product line...