T. W. Evans Cordage Datasheets for Cordage, Rope, and Webbing

Cordage, rope and webbing are made of many natural and/or synthetic fibers that are twisted and/or braided or woven into a length.
Cordage, Rope, and Webbing: Learn more

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Product Name Notes
100% Nylon twine may be used for fishing line, net repairs, chalk line, macrame and many other uses. Each tube is film - wrapped and labeled.
A 3 strand cotton/polyester blend rope. This is a soft rope that is used when rope abrasion is a factor
A braided all polyester cord that is low-stretch and extremely durable and strong. This cord does not rot or mildew, is abrasion resistant, and is not affected by water, gas,...
A great looking indoor/outdoor carpet runner with non-skid backing will beautify and protect any walkway.
A low priced natural fiber rope that holds a knot well. Used for many light uses around the home or in industry. Ideal for "one way" tie downs 50' and...
A quality cotton sash cord with high strength synthetic core. Balanaced interlocked solid braid retains smooth construction.
A soft brown, flexible product that has been wound to a firm, round construction. Used for tags, tying and many other jobs.
A solid braided polypropylene cord that can be used for boating, clothesline, dog runs and many other uses. This is an economy product that floats and is rot proof.
A specialty cord designed for use on clothesline pulley lines where exra strength and durability are required. Inner core is 3/32" galvanized wire coated with vinyl. The cover is solid...
A stable, durable starter cord built to meet the requirments of Briggs and Stratton specifications.
A tough, durable, 3-strand Rigging Rope with spun fiber in the cover to prevent fusing under heavy load. A tighter twist than most 3-strand ropes makes it very durable even...
All of our cotton wrapping twine is made from a blend of polyester and cotton. The exceptions are 3 and 4 ply which are usually all cotton. The all cotton...
An economy product with quality look. Royal Oak combines a fine yarn cotton jacket with a low stretch polypropylene core.
Because of its softness and good tying qualitites, jute is often used where strength is a factor. It is excellent for gardening, household tying, etc.
Blue and white spiral color pattern.
Braided cotton jacket with strong durable synthetic core. Low stretch and easy knotting qualitites make this a great product for clotheslines, tie downs, and many others uses.
Braided from high strength filament nylon yarns. Diamond braid construction insures good tying qualities
Clear vinyl to protect in high traffic areas. Gripper backing holds runner in place.
Continuous multifilament low-stretch yarn. Highly resistant to abrasion and ultra-violet rays.
Cotton beef twine is cello-wrapped and labeled
Extra heavy cotton braided cover and synthectic core gives greater strength (335 lbs. Break strength) and customer satisfaction. It is packaged in a smart, modern, skin-tight poly bag with a...
High grade cotton cover and nylon reinforced core provide extra strength and durability.
High grade cotton cover and nylon reinforced core provide extra strength and durability
Household and kite twine
Kite twine tube
Made from 100% high tenacity filament nylon with average tensile strength of 120 lbs. Preferred as quality chalk line in mansonary work. Will not unravel as easily as twisted nylon...
Made from 4's yarn to ensure maximum penetration of polished. Designed as a "butcher twine", this may also be used for tying crafts and any place a smooth and rounded...
Made to our specifications from premium fibers in the Philippines to exceed the highest U.S. Government standards. Specially treated to provide long-life service and manufactured with a lack of slivers...
Manufactured from high grade 8's yarn. Regularly furnished in a medium laid. Cable wound for best appearance and performance. Used for chalk line, mason line macrame tying and many other...
Nylon is the strongest of all fibers, 2-1/2 times that of manila. It also has the greatest stretch, making it ideal for anchor ropes and mooring lines but difficult to...
Our best selling manila rope. High quality at competivie pricing. This product meets the highest Government Spec. TR-605B, Class 1. Strong and durable with high breaking strengths.
Our economy grade of nylon rope that still meets accepted strandards for strength.
Poly tape-tying machine
Poly-Dacron combo rope is spliced on one end and has a double-lock hook. It is to be used in conjuction with the appropriate single rope grab.
Polyester/polypropyl ene blend. It has low stretch and holds knots well. Economically priced.
Polypropylene is almost twice a strong as manila and is resistant to mildew, rot, and most chemicals. It floats on the surface of water and has only moderate stretch. 3/8"...
Sisal is the most economical natural fiber twine available. It is strong, rugged and holds well without much stretch.
Smooth rugged polyester cover combined with 1000 lb test galvanized wire in the center. The provides a sturdy, long-lasting, multi-purpose cord that is an excellent low-cost value for flagpole halyards,...
Solid braid nylon is ideal for use around the home, as tie down, starter cord, or light duty anchor line. The strong look of nylon combined with very competitive prices...
Some special usages require a 100% cotton content.
Splicing fids for Hollow braid poly
The most popular aspect of this rope is its ability to be spliced in a few minutes with the use of a plastic fid. This is the perfect product fo...
The successor to Ny-Gold nylon. Since the gold fiber is no loger produced at a viable price, we are now producing this product with white nylon fiber. The result is...
This is solid braid quality awning cord reinforced with a strong synthetic cord. Designed to provide durability and service over years of use.
This multipurpose cord has synthetic center which doubles its strength and greatly reduces stretch. Since it is polished with a weather resistant coating, it wears and knots very well.
This product has good appearance and working qualities. It is strong, rot resistant and floats.
This product is designed for industrial and commercial tying applications shwere a definite cost savings is available. It is strong, light weight, and rot resistant. The spiral wrap (33-100 -...
Top quality galvanized wire cable available in both uncoated and vinyl coated. We stock the most popular sizes for both small industrial and comsumer use. Each spool is individually boxed...
Twine rack

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