Pavco, Inc. Datasheets for Plating Chemicals and Anodizing Chemicals
Plating chemical and anodizing chemicals include metal salts, formula additives, and other consumables for the electrodeposition, electroless plating, electroplating and anodized layer formation.
Plating Chemicals and Anodizing Chemicals: Learn more
Product Name | Notes |
DeCuRate AM - is a bright Acid Copper Plating process for decorative applications. It offers excellent brightness and throwing power at the lowest current densities. It is an economical easy... | |
Cad-L-AC - is an acidic cadmium plating system that is simple to operate and very cost effective. Cad-L-AC contains no chelators or solvents. Bright deposits are obtained directly from plating... | |
Constellation - Superior, fast leveling, ultimately brilliant nickel system dsigned for low thickness deposits, and unparalleled for high spec nickel plating. Existing nickel baths can be easily converted to the... | |
Diamante - is the zinc plating industry's only proven low metal zinc-plating process based on potassium hydroxide. The plating efficiency, leveling characteristics, deposit brilliance, and chromate receptivity are superior to... | |
K3 Futura-is PAVCO® 's newest generation ammonia free acid zinc plating system. ZCL K3 Futura consist of two components, ZCL K3 Futura Starter and BRT II. PAVCO... | |
K3- is PAVCO® 's ecomonical ammonia free acid zinc plating system. ZCL K3 consist of two components, ZCL K3 Starter and BRT II. PAVCO® 's ZCL process... | |
Legacy - process is a dual additive, alkaline, non cyanide, zinc brightener system that stands head and shoulders above all others. It is a thoroughly tested, stable, field proven plating... | |
Lumina - The ultimate fast leveling system, specially designed for low thickness deposits, while being unparalleled for high spec nickel plating as well. Existing nickel baths can be easily converted... | |
Merlin - process is a dual additive, alkaline,non-cyanide , zinc brightener system that offers high efficiency and increased productivity. Suitable for either rack or barrel operations, Merlin contains no chelating... | |
New Era SB-is a semi-bright nickel plating system which produces a highly leveled, ductile deposit that exhibits exceptional corrosion protection when used as an undercoat in a duplex... | |
NH4 Futura system - our low-ammonia chloride plating system provides the widest possible operating parameters. Platers will enjoy the flexibility offered by a system which allows for wide swing in... | |
NH4 Zn-Co - system is an acid zinc-cobalt electroplating process which produces a zinc alloy containing 0.3 - 0.9 % (by weight) cobalt. Deposits from the NH4Zn/Co process provides superior... | |
NH4 - is a two component, water soluble, ammonia zinc plating system suitable for either rack or barrel plating operations. It is a superior acid zinc plating process which produces... | |
Niclipse - is an acid zinc/nickel plating process offering an exceptional corrosion resistance. Niclipse demonstrates superior metal distribution and covering power. With low-stress and high ductility, the process is suitable... | |
PavBrite Sn - is a two-component bright acid tin-plating process that produces a brilliant, level tin electro-deposit, which exhibits excellent solderability. PavBrite SN baths,which require low tin levels, are extremely... | |
PAVCO® Ting - is a replacement for chrome plating baths without any of the inconveniences that are common in chrome baths. PAVCO® Ting is a cobalt alloy that... | |
PavMatte Sn - is a stable leveling matte acid tin-plating process that produces a soft white to gray matte finish exhibiting excellent solderability. Baths operate over a wide concentration range... | |
PavPhos 400 - is a non-nickel bearing heavy immersion zinc phosphate formulated to exceed the requirements of GM 4435M, Ford S-2, and Chrysler PS-80 specifications. When used with PAVCO® | |
PavPhos 400N - is a nickel bearing heavy immersion zinc phosphate formulated to exceed the requirements of GM 4335M, Ford S-2, and Chrysler PS-80 specifications. When used with PAVCO® | |
PavPhos 410 - is a medium zinc phosphate coating (600-1000 mg/ft2) on ferrous and other metal surfaces. It is an immersion process formulated to provide excellent protection for metal parts. | |
PavPhos MN - produces an oil-absorptive, crystaline manganese phosphate coating for mating steel surfaces with coating weights up to 5000 mgs./square foot by the immersion method. It is used almost... | |
PavPhos PI - is a water soluble iron phosphate concentrate which cleans and produces and iridescent iron phosphate coating on steel and cast iron alloys (gray, ductile, malleable, ect.) in... | |
SmartZinc - Significantly reduces the zinc deposition ratio from the high to low current density. Increases deposition in the low current density up to 75%, and increases plating speed... | |
SmartZinc Zn-Co-is a superior two-component, low-ammonia, high temperature chloride zinc-plating system which produces a bright leveled zinc cobalt alloy metal deposit on all steel substrates. Smart Zn/Co significantly... | |
Volta - The PAVCO® Volta Sn/Zn system is a sulfate based tin zinc electroplating process which produces an alloy containing 70% tin and 30% zinc. Deposits from Volta Sn/Zn... | |
Volta - is a sulfate based tin-zinc electroplating process which produces a tin/zinc alloy containing 70% tin and 30% zinc. Deposits from the process provide superior corrosion resistance over conventional... | |
ZAS-is an economical additive package which provides the highest quality cynide zinc-plating possible. | |
Ziniloy-is an alkaline zinc/nickel (12-15%) plating process offering an exceptional performance of 30% more than conventional processes, high corrosion-resistance and easy bath control due to its having a... | |
Ziron-is a non-cyanide alkaline zinc-iron alloy plating system that stands alone among zinc alloy plating products. Ziron is suitable for either rack or barrel operations and can provide up... | |
Catachrome DEC Decorative Chrome - This process is the most easily controlled mixed catalyst system in the decorative chrome plating market. The high efficiency afforded by this system provides the... | |
Catachrome LHC – A convenient liquid hard chrome package. | |
Catachrome PDR Hard Chrome – A hard chrome that can build thickness and give a bright deposit. | |
CoproPlate Brt - is an additive package that produces an extremely bright, ductile deposit of copper when used in conjunction with the CoproPlate SB plating package. It plates at a... | |
CoproPlate SB - process produces a fine grain semi-bright copper deposit from cyanide solutions. It plates at a very high rate of deposition while forming a very ductile plate that... | |
Diamante Zn-Co-Provides 500-1500 hours of salt spray corrosion. | |
Hex-A-Gone - A decorative trivalent chrome plating bath that grants a finish that is comparable to a hexavalent chromium plate while offering numerous advantages. These include being highly forgiving of... | |
Merlin™ - process is a dual additive, alkaline, non-cyanide, zinc brightener system that offers high efficiency and increased productivity. Suitable for either rack or barrel operations, Merlin contains no... | |
NH4™ - is a two component, water-soluble, ammonia zinc plating system suitable for either rack or barrel plating operations. It is a superior acid zinc plating process that produces... | |
Niclipse™ - An acid zinc/nickel plating process offering an exceptional corrosion resistance. Niclipse demonstrates superior metal distribution and covering power. With low-stress and high ductility, the process is suitable... | |
PavCoTing - A cobalt alloy that serves as a replacement for hexavalent and trivalent chrome plating baths. When plated over nickel, PavCoTing appears like a decorative chrome finish while providing... | |
PavCoTing™ - is a replacement for chrome plating baths without any of the inconveniences that are common in chrome baths. It is a cobalt alloy that, when plated over... | |
PavPhos CA710 - Extremely fine, light microcrystalline zinc phosphate. | |
Smart Zinc™ - significantly reduces the zinc deposition ratio from the high to low current density. Increases deposition in the low current density up to 75%, and increases plating... | |
Ziniloy™ - An alkaline zinc/nickel plating process that deposits 12-15% nickel in the deposit. It offers an exceptional efficiency of 30% more than conventional processes, high corrosion-resistance and easy bath... | |
SmartZinc II - For users that prefer not to run their bath hot but still enjoy the benefits of the standard SmartZinc, SmartZinc II uses our industry leading brightener package... | |
Formulated from the same technology platform as Hex-A-Gone, Hex-A-Gone 1020 offers higher bath efficiencies that result in plating rates of 3 microinches per minute or 0.08 microns/minute along with throwing... |