Pavco, Inc. Datasheets for Sealers and Seal Coatings

Sealers and seal coatings are used to seal surfaces or to form a barrier on a surface. They differ from sealants, which are used to seal joints or gaps between surfaces.
Sealers and Seal Coatings: Learn more

Product Name Notes
Pavseal - is an organic final rinse additive which imparts a high gloss and extends the salt spray corrosion to black conversion coatings, Pavchrome NSB, as well as converting blue...
Super Seal - is the most corrosion resistant conversion coating yet to be introduced to the metal finishing industry. PAVCO® at Superseal can provide over 500 hours of salt...
Supergard - is a final rinse additive which enhances the corrosion protection of zinc-plated and chromated work. Steel which is zinc-plated, chromated, and coated with PAVCO® at Supergard can...
HyPro 200 - A secondary passivation for use over all PAVCO® 's trivalent chromates.
HyProCoat 320 - A non-chrome top coat for chromated electrodeposited zinc that meets the corrosion protection requirements of automotive specifications.
HyProCoat 330 - An organo-mineral finish designed to protect chromated zinc components from severe environments, such as the engine compartments and exterior of motorized vehicles.
HyProCoat 437 - An organo-mineral finish designed to protect chromated zinc components from severe environments, while yielding a decreasing coefficient of friction of 0.14 + 0.03.