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Elite Semiconductor Products, Inc. Datasheets for Triacs

Triacs are three-terminal silicon devices that are configured in an inverse parallel arrangement to provide load current during both halves of the AC supply voltage. They are often used to control motor speed.
Triacs: Learn more

Product Name Notes
Bidirectional Triode Thyristors All Diffused and Glass PAssivated Junctions for Greater Stability Pressfit, Stud, and Isolated Stud Packages Gate Triggering Gauranteed in All 3 Quadrants
Bidirectional Triode Thyristos . All Diffused and Glass Passivated Junctions for Greater StabIlIty . Pressfit, Stud and Isolated Stud Packages . Gate Triggering Guaranteed In All 3 Quadrants
General purpose 8 ampere ISOLATED TRIACS with POWER GLAS passivated pellets in silicone encapsulated POWER PAC series.
Silicon Controlled Rectifier Reverse Blocking Triode Thristor